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The best Artificial Intelligence websites to use for marketing in the US

16 min

We tested the best AI websites for generating text, images, and web content to help you determine the most reliable solution for your business needs.

Here is our verdict on the best options for American businesses and professionals.

How we evaluated Artificial Intelligence sites

If you work in marketing, you’ve certainly encountered AI or at least heard of it and considered whether you should use it.

Research conducted by GetResponse about the use of AI in marketing showed that marketers use AI for multiple tasks and processes, such as Data analysis, content generation, personalization, segmentation, and brainstorming.

Although ChatGPT is currently the most popular tool, the number of websites offering Artificial intelligence services is increasing.

With all these options, navigating artificial intelligence websites might be complicated, and you might risk missing out on valuable opportunities.

So, to help marketers choose the right product, particularly in the US, we took a nice initiative here at GetResponse. Our team gathered, researched the most popular AI tools, and tried them all!

Okay, maybe not all of them, but they are definitely the most popular ones. That includes most tools that marketers are familiar with.

So, we reviewed and rated them according to two main dimensions: usefulness, which can be seen on the Y-axis, and interest, which can be seen on the X-axis. From our point of view, this is an effective schematization that you could replicate in your specific context.

The graphical result is this nice AI tool rating matrix.

A two-dimensional matrix plotting various AI websites and marketing tools. Each tool is positioned based on its usefulness and interest level. 'Jasper' and 'Pictory' are placed high on both axes, while other tools like 'Writesonic' and 'Perplexity' are scattered across the graph.
Matrix of AI tools rated by the criteria of usefulness and interest

Artificial intelligence websites today offer well-defined services that meet users’ practical and functional needs. Therefore, these tools can help marketers with everyday activities.

But which websites to use? Here is a list and in-depth analysis of 12 tools, divided according to their type. Are you in a hurry? You could jump to the final ranking!

The most popular AI websites

Whenever there’s a discussion about AI, ChatGPT pops up during the conversation. OpenAI’s generative AI interface changed the perception of artificial intelligence and made it available to everyone.

ChatGPT is one of three main generative conversational AI tools that are the most popular in the US and worldwide. Although these are not designed specifically for marketing, they present many opportunities for marketers that cannot be ignored—and are worthy of a comparison!

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a conversational AI tool that generates text in a style very similar to humans. Creativity, or its ability to closely imitate human creativity, is one of its strengths, so much so that it can generate stories, poems, and song lyrics.

Therefore, it can be a valuable tool for content writing, for example, a social media calendar, blog posts, or video ad scripts.

ChatGPT has a free version, but it has some limitations compared to the paid version! The free mode’s algorithm is based on GPT-3, which is inferior to the newer algorithm GPT-4.

ChatGPT’s free version was last updated in November 2021 and does not know the most recent events. Therefore, we advise testing the Plus version (cost: $20/month) for at least a few months. This version offers more accurate textual results and many plugins for various purposes.

Some of ChatGPT 4’s plugins might be interesting for marketers, especially those related to SEO (from keyword analysis support to the presence of a real SEO assistant) or content creation (e.g., Twitter posts).

Also, with the paid version, you can use ChatGPT’s Data Analyst to help you analyze marketing data exported from Analytics platforms like Google Analytics.

2. Bing AI

Bing AI is Microsoft’s proposed extension of the Bing search engine. It is designed to understand natural language and provide more relevant and accurate search results.

Bing AI can also generate content, such as images from written prompts. In this case, the underlying algorithm is GPT-4 (which allows it to handle text and images).

Although it appears to be the most comprehensive tool because of its full integration with Microsoft tools such as Skype, it has some shortcomings.

Bing AI is very careful about including sources and referencing specific links; this focus leads it, in some cases, to deviate toward the search engine over the generative AI tool. So you might get a list of URLs sometimes instead of straight answers.

So, while ensuring greater reliability, it also reduces creativity.

3. Gemini (Formely Bard)

Last but not least, in the top 3 websites, we have Google’s tool Gemini ( formerly Bard).

Google’s tool is based on different algorithms developed by the giant itself. Gemini is similar to Bing AI, focusing on sources and accuracy rather than delivering straight answers.

However, many insiders are dissatisfied with the accuracy and ability to provide answers consistent with Bard’s expectations.

Our verdict: Fully understanding the limitations and potential of tools of this type is by no means easy. On the surface, ChatGPT, with its extensions in the Plus version, seems to be the most comprehensive. But a final choice depends on your use case, and we really suggest that you try all of these tools to see which one suits you the best.

AI sites for generating marketing & web content

So, we’ve already discussed how powerful generative AI tools are, but it’s also important to dig into AI websites and tools specifically made for generating marketing content.

So, we tested the top five writing tools:, GetResponse, Neuronwriter, Rytr, and Writesonic. Here’s the scoop on what we found.


This tool is really taking off right now in the world of AI. It has many features, from translating content and writing articles to making apps that can catch on to your brand’s voice and know the ins and outs of your business.

The cool part is how it uses AI in a way tailored just for your company by learning all the specifics about your business. This approach to using AI in a personalized, non-generic way is super intriguing and is definitely going to shake things up in the industry. is also based on GPT-4 and can almost do most of the marketing team tasks for a small business. It can generate text for articles, ads, emails, product descriptions, YouTube video scripts, and even FAQ answers.

The whole process starts with a survey to determine the tone of voice and brand characteristics, ensuring that the generated content is specific to your business.

In addition, is focusing heavily on integration with classic communication channels, such as Gmail, or collaboration tools, such as MIRO.

You can experiment with Jasper with their free trial.

the verdict – In short? Ambitious and comprehensive, it is worth trying for small businesses.

5. GetResponse

Integrating generative AI features into software focused on something else is already showing us the extremely interesting evolution of the market as a whole. GetResponse is one of the tools moving most rapidly in that direction.

GetResponse enables the creation of comprehensive marketing campaigns with the support of artificial intelligence. The AI Generator will prepare custom campaign assets, such as landing pages, welcome emails, and newsletters, based on inputs such as keywords, type of activity, and audience.

Email marketing software interface from GetResponse showing layout options for AI generated newsletters. Users can pick layouts like 'Text only,' '1 column,' etc., and select color themes such as 'Joyful,' 'Modern,' or 'Pastel.' There's also an option to upload a logo.
Marketing campaign creation wizard with AI

When it comes to generating emails, GetResponse’s AI Email generator allows you to generate:

  • Subject lines (AI Subject Line Generator);
  • Email content
  • Email design includes promotional emails, periodic newsletters, and transactional emails. AI supports the generative process of choosing the best layout, graphics, and colors.

GetResponse’s tools are comprehensive and fully integrated with GPT-4 technology. Therefore, they will improve as the algorithms evolve. You can forward test all AI-equipped solutions for free for 30 days.

The latest addition to the software is the AI website generator. Again, this is a fundamental evolution of GetResponse’s Website Builder, and it creates a nice synergy between classic functionality and AI support. You can create your website in 8 simple steps, focusing on one area or type (e.g., e-commerce, portfolio, business).

Creating AI-generated landing pages with the same mechanism is also possible.

The verdict: In short? Focused and well-structured, a software born for online marketing that, through AI, can boost your output and productivity.

6. Neuronwriter

Neuronwriter strongly positions itself as an SEO optimization tool. In addition to generative AI, the website offers classic SEO functionalities, such as competition analysis on certain keywords.

It also aims to support the entire content generation process, from ideas to building an editorial plan to management and publication. So, it is safe to say that it also offers some project management-like features.

So, Neuronwriter is much more than an AI-based content generation tool, which is definitely a pro; we know how inconvenient and inefficient it is to use a tool for a single task.

On the other hand, AI article writing often lacks depth, with superficial and basic sentences requiring revision. This is even more true for languages other than English.

Despite this, the tool offers interesting options; for example, it is possible to distinguish between simple writing and advanced features already customized for specific purposes (e.g., blog articles, FAQ writing, title, and headline writing).

The verdict: Neuronwriter is somewhere between a creative tool and a project management tool. But depending on your use case may not achieve either goal.

7. Rytr

This tool comes across as the best all-in-one writing platform, with features for marketing, copywriting, and academia.

Rytr is an interesting tool, with over 40 use cases ranging from SEO tasks to email writing, from answering a job interview to writing text for landing pages. The platform even offers lyrics for songs or story plots.

Then there is text editing, a relevant part that should not be underestimated: starting with AI-generated content and being able to edit it directly in the platform makes the process more fluid and well-structured.'s website snippet showing an array of AI writing assistance options for different content types, including blog ideas, business pitches, emails, and ads, laid out in a clean grid format.

The process for generating content is also very simple.

Rytr offers a free trial with a character limitation and then two different levels of paid plans, the highest of which is unrestricted.

If we were to find cons, again, when trying to use it in other languages, there would be some inaccuracies or errors to deal with.

the verdict – Wide but neat offering, suitable for both large and small settings.

8. Writesonic

Writesonic is an AI-based tool for writing SEO-friendly content for blogs, Facebook ads, Google Ads, and Shopify. It offers a free trial for 10,000 words (but beware—every little exploratory attempt will be counted!).

Writesonic is proposed as a support and generator for the following tasks:

  • writing articles optimized for SEO, including from predefined keywords
  • revision and paragraphing of texts
  • summaries or “expansion” of content (very useful in those cases where the same concepts need to be translated into different web languages, such as blog posts, social networks or newsletters)
  • writing product descriptions
  • text for sponsored posts on Facebook or Google
  • writing headlines
  • quora responses
  • creating landing pages to encourage user conversion.

The cons encountered relate to the user experience, which is currently not the best, and the consequent difficulty in carrying out certain actions, such as creating landing pages. Moreover, although Writesonic also proposes the possibility of defining a content strategy- obviously a quite different role than the single copywriting task- the results seem ineffective and too generic.

The verdict—In short, it does not stand out in terms of functionality in today’s context.

AI sites for image and video creation

Marketing is not just text—we know that well. In the case of digital marketing, the mixture of long texts, short texts, images, and videos is increasingly strong. So, how can image and video creation be more efficient? We tested four tools in this case as well: DALL-E2,,, and

9. DALL-E2

DALL-E2 always comes from the Open.AI world. It is a “text-to-image” system that can create totally artificial images from a short textual description. Probably to date, it is the fastest image generator on the market and is expanding its possibilities for editing and merging different images.

Let’s try an example. By typing “an astronaut relaxing in a tropical resort,” we get four possible images. From here, we can choose one and choose whether to work on editing or request further variations.

Four stylized images generated by Dall-E2 depicting an astronaut lounging in a tropical resort, with elements indicating a space setting in the background such as planets and a spaceship.

Editing should not be considered a traditional photo modifier; the possibilities fall squarely in the realm of generative AI. For example, you can request to generate only part of the image (by setting the generation frame) or add another image and merge them.

DALL-E2 may initially appear to be a free tool; in reality, there is a set number of “credits,” i.e., requests that can be made monthly. Otherwise, payment is required.

Although the quality and definition of the images are not comparable to tools we will see in a moment (particularly, DALL-E2 can be very useful for generating illustrations or fancy images.

the verdict – In short? OpenAI should never be underestimated, to date more suitable for illustrations and comics than for photographs.


Midjourney again offers a “text-to-image” system.

Let’s give a few examples here as well. Here is what comes up if I ask Midjourney to create a high-quality image depicting a “cat in the forest, in the style of the painter Monet”

An AI generated impressionistic painting of a calico cat in a lush green forest with orange flowers, showcasing textured brushstrokes and vibrant colors, giving a sense of the natural environment.

In another example, we can request a black-and-white photograph depicting an ordinary girl on a beach. This is the result.

An AI generated A black and white photo of a woman on the beach, dressed in a patterned outfit with sunglasses, looking contemplatively to the side, her hair tousled by the wind.

The requests can be more or less specific, but from these few cases, we understand the power of technology very well. The quality of the images is extremely high, and these turn out to be completely realistic.

Requesting illustrations, widely used in blogs or websites, can also achieve incredibly effective results. Here, for example, is an illustration of a business meeting.

An AI generated illustration of a modern corporate setting with individuals engaging in various activities. There's a man standing in the foreground using a tablet, another having a discussion in the background, and one person working on a laptop at a desk.

How will the market for images and graphics change in the marketing world? This is a fair question, but it is not easy to answer.

For now, offers one of the best technologies available regarding the resolution and realism rate of images, which is certainly a competitive factor. On the other hand, the website’s fruition is not easy. It is a totally paid product (no free trial) and not specific to the marketing world.

the verdict – In short? The best AI product out there so far for photography.

11. – Dreamstudio is a reality that makes the main open-source models of generative artificial intelligence easily available to end users. In this case, we focused on the Dreamstudio tool that gives access to the impressive features of SDXL 1.0 (the Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 algorithm). The website offers a free trial to get started.

The first very interesting aspect is that Dreamstudio’s goals are twofold: to generate images from scratch and to greatly expand and simplify image editing opportunities.

The tool interface is well structured and immediately understandable in its main functionalities. You can generate images from scratch by entering the so-called “prompt,” which is the description/request that describes the image. You can also enter a “negative prompt,” which is what you want to avoid in the image. You can then insert a reference to style, assuming both realistic images and illustrations.

Stability AI's dream studio interface for generating images

Then there is the editing chapter, where one should not imagine classic image editing. There are mainly three editing possibilities:

  1. Inpainting – Editing within the image, potentially even inserting other images
  2. Outpainting – Allows you to extend the image outside the original image. It is the so-called zoom-out, whereby the algorithm is able to recreate the “context,” generating what might be beyond the chosen image, a truly intriguing feature that is much discussed among enthusiasts.
  3. Image-to-image – Requests a new image using a source image also offers a dedicated area for developers. This context obviously requires more technical expertise but is still worth considering when, for example, deciding to purchase the tool for corporate use, whether in marketing or other functions.

the verdict – In short? Probably the most suitable tool for professional use.


With, we move into video, an increasingly central activity in marketing. Again, there is a free trial that allows us to appreciate all the features better.

Web interface from for converting scripts, articles, and visuals into videos. It displays colorful options with recommended use cases like educational videos, press releases, and slideshows

In, you can:

  • Create scripts for videos
  • Edit videos by optimizing them (e.g., with automatic editing that filters out certain words or moments of silence)
  • Automatically extract short video snippets
  • Add subtitles
  • Summarize videos
  • Create video collages
  • Turn images into videos
  • Create artificial videos from articles

The tool is extremely interesting, and, in particular, the last point–creating videos from articles–could greatly improve the efficiency of content managers and make the most of blog posts with associated videos. Unfortunately, at least in the free trial, including AI voiceover, i.e., a totally artificial voice that traces the video’s storyboard, is not feasible.

However, if the goal is to create English content and work on the videos regarding editing/video collages or text insertion, offers a good alternative, and we imagine it will add new features in the short term.

The verdict—In short, working with AI for video today is perhaps premature. Still, is an interesting tool, and its future developments should be monitored.

Summary and final ranking

As is often the case, the best tool depends on your specific needs. For example, if you are responsible for marketing in a large company, the logic behind adopting a tool will be totally different from that of a small company or a freelancer.

Therefore, the following ranking does not apply to every business reality and project. Also, as can be seen, each AI site helps to perform a specific function: generate text content or images, almost never both.

Surely, you can opt for more than one of these platforms and assemble with experience the right mix of AI tools.

Platform nameKey featuresPlansRating
#1 Midjourney“Text-to-image” with high-quality imagesFully paid (no free trial)The perfect AI tool for photography
#2 GetResponseAmbitious and comprehensive, it is ideal for small businesses30-day free trial, then paidFocused, well-structured
Brand voice, corporate knowledge, article/advertising/email/description/FAQ writing, Gmail and MIRO integrationFree trialThe most suitable tool for professional use
#4 – Dreamstudio
Image generation and editing, features such as Inpainting, Outpainting, and Image-to-imageFree trialMost suitable tool for professional use
Bing AI
Understands natural language, generates images, and full integration with Microsoft worldAvailable on Bing search engine
Attention to sources and reference to specific links, more reliability but less creativity
“Text-to-image” system, fast generator, editing and merging capabilitiesLimited by “credits,” otherwise chargeableSuitable for illustrations and comics
Text generation, SEO plugin, creativity, GPT-4Free and paid ($20/month for Plus version)
Most comprehensive, to be tested critically.
SEO optimization, competitive analysis, content ideation, project managementUnspecifiedWide range of offerings suitable for various contexts
Video script creation, editing, subtitling, transforming images to video, creating video from articlesFree trialPremature for Italian, but to be monitored in future developments
More than 40 use cases, from SEO to song lyrics, test-editingFree trial and paid plansWide range of offerings, suitable for various contexts
Based on different algorithms developed by GoogleAvailable on Google search engineIt doesn’t stand out in terms of functionality
SEO writing, text revision, summaries, writing product descriptions, sponsored posts, Quora answers, landing page creationFree trial for 10,000 wordsDoesn’t stand out in terms of functionality

Marketing tools with a broader purpose almost try to replace teams dedicated to various areas (e.g., social media marketing, SEO, SEM), but don’t be fooled. A specific AI website can be more valuable and even more so when properly manned.

For example, we have seen with GetResponse that tools that are born with specific purposes in the marketing world can evolve thanks to AI, and there, the client can take full advantage of them, staying in a software context that they already know well.

The landscape of artificial intelligence to support marketing appears diverse and “colorful.” There are so many business initiatives that one could get lost. We hope that this analysis will help you make good, informed decisions.

And remember: Artificial intelligence will not replace us, but someone who uses artificial intelligence effectively well could.

Nael Chhaytli
Nael Chhaytli
Nael Chhaytli is a Digital Marketing Expert and a Senior Content Marketing Specialist at GetResponse with a diverse background in marketing specializations. He has used his expertise to drive success and growth for businesses in the service, SaaS, and e-commerce sectors.