We all want a workplace that’s in harmony with the people, allowing our talents to shine – including us.
A modern approach with an actual balance between the rest of our lives and our work life. With a space for open dialogue and communication, supporting our mental and physical well-being. An environment that acts as a trampoline that continuously springs us upward toward holistic development.
Why are we going on about nurturing workplaces?
For one, it takes two sides to build a cohesive organization with the people on every level forming its culture and strengthening the connections and bonds that keep us pulling for one another.
Secondly, a harmonious workplace is all about acknowledging and nurturing varied talents and helping us make the most out of our diverse personalities, stories, and skills.
Thirdly, such a workplace makes us want to sing it from the rooftops but we’re not the braggadocious types. 🙂
On that note, we’re humbled to say we received the distinction of being a friendly workplace and won the Friendly Workspace 2022 award for our efforts to do all those things and more.

This is a bit about us, but not just to ramble on saying “look how cool we are!” We want to continue being an example for our people, our customers, and everyone we encounter, so let’s see what the employer branding agency Marka Pracodawcy has to say about an organization earning this prestigious award.
Their slogan translates essentially to people and culture are the future, and we are on board with that direction.
“(The Friendly Workplace award) is a distinction of the editorial staff of MarkaPracodawcy.pl for companies that can boast of a modern approach in the area of personnel policy and employee development. We award it to companies that respect and support the work-life balance model, create a healthy and friendly work environment, focus on open and partnership relations with employees, and invest in the development of their professional competencies and interests.”
For our current employees and those to come, there is no settling for what we used to do or what used to work — it’s about solutions and strategies, looking ahead to keeping spirits and development high in all facets of life, not just the workplace.
In the midst of chaos as the COVID-19 pandemic struck, there was an organization-wide pull to provide calm, to bring resources and support that will help everyone evolve. This wasn’t a first step for us, but rather a big leap forward in a journey that was already happening, and we’ve continued that on through to today, adapting at every turn.
In 2022, there are online physical health classes, a mental health helpline available to everyone at GetResponse, including their families, developmental courses, stipends to help the remote office life and work-from-home culture that’s continued on since 2020, and so much more.
The ways in which we stood out, earning 24 of 25 possible points for one of the highest grades from the organization, include:
Employee relations
- We utilize Culture Amp to garner quality feedback from our colleagues, both for internal reviews and to see what we can improve. It’s also an avenue for coworkers to give kudos to each other
- Across Slack, we have several channels dedicated to bringing some levity to the workplace and workday, from chatting about our cats to sharing advice on activities to finding space for meeting offline (when we can)
Development activities
- Our initiatives are meant to help each other and help the world, from pitching in, to helping our neighbors in strife, to cleaning the sea, to offering a helping hand to those who need it
- We have language classes to help employees broaden their horizons and adapt to cultures and countries around the globe
Organizational culture
- There is space for anyone in the company to connect with anyone else, no matter their position, for open dialogue without fear
- The newly created employee stock option plan (ESOP) allows everyone to feel a deeper connection to how their work matters and how what we do helps people do what they do better
Well-being programs
- Different tiers of a sports subsidy card allow our people to exercise in whatever way they see fit
- Life insurance and health insurance help provide peace of mind and care when needed
- We get together online for yoga classes, fitness tips, learn how to work better for your body functionally, and more
We’re happy but not satisfied, as there is always something over the horizon that can help us help our team even more! And we’d be happy to have you as a part of it all 😊