Monday Group – one of the biggest communications and marketing agencies in Poland. Monday Groups consists of 3 brands: Monday Comms, Monday Digital, and Monday Strategy. Interdisciplinary agency teams run, for example, sales-driven B2B marketing campaigns.
We think in terms of sales. We make cool campaigns with WOW factor, but only those which realize sales goals. GetResponse allows us to implement automation into our partner network, through which most of Dell Technologies sales is done in Poland. We talk about hundreds of millions of zlotys a year. Even just the pilot project had ensured us sales opportunities worth a few million zlotys.
Adrian Domański, Head of Sales-Driven Marketing, Monday Strategy.
GetResponse collects data for us. Webinars help us learn the interests and informational needs of participants. Automation cycles assign the participants tags based on their activity. Such contact base helps salespeople preparing a dedicated offer.
Anna Pantus, Marketing Manager, Monday Comms
When did you decide it was time to use GetResponse?
We were looking for a tool that will allow us to educate our business partners on marketing and sales. We want Dell partners to gain new skills which will make their sales process more efficient.
At the beginning of the pandemic, we launched the Social Selling Experts for Partners program – our most advanced sales and marketing social selling program for a partner channel in Europe (and perhaps even in the world). It is a modern B2B sales and marketing development program that consists of three pillars (on-demand training sessions, content, and help from the experts) and two platforms – educational and publishing content. Our primary goal was, of course, to increase the sales of Dell products and services. We created maps of key decision-makers and members of purchasing committees and developed individual paths to reach them. We wanted to assist traders in becoming experts in their field – professionals who don’t concentrate on fast sales but recognize customers’ needs accurately and help them find the best solution.
We analyzed the sales data and although it turned out that the finalization of the sale is at a satisfactory level in the context of the entire industry, many potential projects remain at a point where the implementation doesn’t come to fruition. One of the reasons is the difficulty in managing the contact database. The lack of a properly segmented contact base leads to traders abandoning actions such as cross-selling and upselling. However, databases that have tens of thousands of contacts have a lot of unrealized potential.
That’s how we developed our pilot project called Digital Revenue Experts – a series of training sessions about using webinars and automation. Realization of the project was made possible by incorporating the GetResponse platform. – sums up Adrian Domański.
In recent years, we have begun to place increasing emphasis on educating our partners on marketing and sales activities. Our strategy for the partner channel is based on extensive programs that provide both salespeople and marketers with practical solutions. We convey best practices in digital marketing, sales processes, marketing automation, social selling, telemarketing, etc. The GetResponse platform is another tool through which we analyze the engagement level of contacts and educate them with relevant lead nurturing programs.
Maria Szałygin-Brygider, Partner Marketing Manager, Dell Technologies
How does GetResponse assist Monday Comms?
Automation: GetResponse allows us to implement automation into our partner network. Dell Technologies partner network in Poland consists of a few thousands of trading partners. Currently, as an agency we work closely with several dozens of them, and our pilot program DRE was so far realized with only two.
The possibilities of automation are endless. Success depends not only on the proficiency in using the tool, but also on the expertise, experience, and data we use. If a partner wants to combine GetResponse and CRM, the systems won’t overload or miss crucial data. We want the traders to put more time and effort into building lasting relations with the clients and less on operating tools which actions can be automated.
Anna Pantus, Marketing Manager, Monday Comms
Personalizing sales offer: Dynamic segments allow our partners to carry out personalized actions such as cross-sell and upsell. Thanks to automation, personalization is not limited to putting recipients’ names in an email title. Traders can prepare a dedicated product offer for clients based on information about their priorly attended webinars and topics of interest.
We prepared an automated communication process that has two main goals:
1. Increasing sales. Our main goal is to increase the sales opportunities finalization rate.
2. Delivering ready-to-use, scalable solutions for sales support that our partners can easily implement.

Can GetResponse save me time and money?
It can but you have to remember that buying the tool is not enough. You need to invest time in learning how to implement and use it. People think that all you have to do is buy GetResponse and everything will be done for you.A In reality, apart from using the features, you also need to know how to prepare communications, host webinars, and make automation cycles. It’s a system of communicating vessels.
GetResponse accelerates the finalization of sales. We can influence the buying process through communication cycles. The system allows us to recognize the informational needs of potential clients. Ultimately, salespeople know what the recipients need – they can help them make the right choice faster and take care of the next sale. – Adrian
GetResponse helped us lower the cost of working with outsourcers that we used to hire to create landing pages and emails in HTML. Now we do it all ourselves.Thanks to the optimization possibilities and using effective patters in subsequent projects, we save time and increase efficiency. – Anna
Can I increase my revenue with the help of GetResponse?
We work on projects in interdisciplinary teams whose main focus is sales – revenue team (agency + client’s marketing + salespeople + outsourcers) We don’t run projects that don’t involve our sales team. If our sales team doesn’t want to participate in a project, we abandon it.
Marcin Morawski, CMO in Dell Technologies Poland
GetResponse allows us to implement automation in our partner network, through which we realize a hundred million zlotys in sales annually. The tool allows us to create automation cycles that accumulate and store information about contacts. Our partners can successfully plan cross-sell and upsell campaigns thanks to a properly segmented contact base. – adds Marcin.
What tools besides GetResponse do you use?
We use automation, social selling, and telemarketing in our Digital Revenue Experts project.
We run webinars on Zoom because this platform is recommended by Dell Technologies, and Zoom is integrated with our educational portal where we publish content for Dell –
How long does it take to get a return on investment into GetResponse?
GetResponse is an inexpensive tool, and the investment can be quickly returned. In our case, it paid itself off after training just two partners.
How does GetResponse compare to other tools?
GetResponse is perfectly suited to the needs of medium-sized businesses. The platform has a lot to offer and at the same time isn’t very complicated. The quality and price of the product is adjusted to the capabilities and budget of our partners.
GetResponse’s intuitive UI is an important feature that makes learning the basics of automation easy. It doesn’t require the support of experts during the first year of work with the tool, as it often happens in the case of larger platforms of similar type.
What should you keep in mind when creating an automation cycle?
Firstly, while working in an interdisciplinary team it is crucial to define terms together, e.g., what is a “lead”, “webinar”, and how does automation work. If we don’t do that, we risk misunderstanding.
I recommend creating pilot campaigns as a part of the testing process. If the pilot is successful, it can be scaled and implemented in other projects.
Tools used to get results
Lead Generation – As many as 50 to 60% of the people in business aren’t collecting customer data, and are therefore losing out on business. GetResponse offers easy tools like forms and landing pages to collect, store, and segment customer and subscriber data.
Marketing Automation – Bring your ideal customer journey to life with a visual marketing automation builder that grows with your needs. Schedule automated responses, emails, and reminders.
Webinars – Host unlimited webinars for up to 1,000 live attendees, share the stage with two or more presenters and automate sending your reminders and freebies.