Can I create mobile-responsive newsletters? Video
If you’re using our predesigned templates or creating your message from scratch in the Message editor, we’ll automatically convert them to a mobile-optimized message. You can preview the mobile version of the message you’re creating by preview under Test and preview in the email editor.

Then you can view the mobile version side by side to your desktop view.

Legacy editor
You can preview the mobile version of the message you’re creating by clicking the Mobile preview button in the email editor.
How is my message optimized for mobile devices?
The adjusted mobile templates will be displayed responsively on the majority of cell phones running on iOS and Android systems. The templates will be scaled for mobile view on tablets and Windows Mobile devices. To make your messages mobile-friendly, we:
– scale the text to fit a phone screen (this makes the text easier to read)
– cascade multi-column email templates into a single-column view (this way your recipients don’t have to scroll horizontally to view multiple columns)
– resize and format email and call-to-action buttons so they properly fit the screen (this increases subscriber engagement and click-throughs)
Responsive email design does great things for your marketing results. Because your subscribers will now be able to read your emails on their mobile devices with ease, you will see:
– more subscriber engagement
– more click-throughs
– fewer unsubscribes
– fewer complaints
Can you make my own templates mobile-responsive?
If you upload your own template and use your own HTML, we can’t automatically convert them to a mobile-responsive template. However, you can import a responsive design to use in the Email Creator.