Can I embed an image or button within a text block?

As you create your message, you may at some point want to include images and buttons within a text-block.

In the editor, you can achieve this by placing the image or the button next to your text or between two text blocks.

To add it next to the text, please change your section to a two-column section and drag your image or button into the second column.

To add it between the text, simply divide your text into two separate text blocks

and place the button or image element in between.

Legacy editor

How can I place an image within a text block?

There are two ways to embed an image within a text box:

  1. The easiest way to add an image to text is to use our dedicated Image & Text block element or Text and Image block element depending on your preferences.
  1. In case you’ve already started working on the message and used a Text block that you now want to add an image to, you can still do that without replacing the whole block with a new Image & Text Block.

    Here’s how to go about it:
    – navigate to the Basic blocks menu
    – select the Image block element, and drag it over the Text block.
    – a border will appear, and the text within will automatically adjust to accommodate the Image block
    – when you are satisfied with its location, drop your Image block, and it will embed in that spot, then click the blank image and select the image you’d like to display from your image gallery.

The process for embedding a button inside your Text block is the same.