How to forward subscriber data to a custom thank-you page in legacy forms?

The following article is about legacy forms.

Legacy forms are no longer developed and are not available in accounts

created after July 18, 2023.

What is data forwarding?

Data forwarding is redirectling data entered in the form to another website. You can use this option to customize subpages or thank-you pages

with the information your contact entered into the sign up form, such as their name, age, gender, etc., or name and email entered into the webinar form.

This option is also available for webinars, where you can forward data to the thank-you page that appears when you end your webinar. It will appear in the webinar settings if you select the custom thank-you page.

You can also use it to forward such data into your backend for other uses, by configuring your website


This option is for advanced users, and you need to have HTML

knowledge to use it. Setting this up incorrectly may result in a 404 error on your thank-you page.

How does data forwarding work?

Depending on the selected forwarding method you can display the forwarded data on the thank you page or not.

  • The GET option will display the forwarded data on the thank-you page.
  • The POST option won’t display the data on the thank-you page, but it will still forward it to your backend. To view and use the data, open your website editing software.

You can set up data forwarding in GetResponse’s legacy forms, html forms and webinars when selecting external thank-you page.

How to set up data forwarding in legacy forms?

To use this option, you will need:

To enable the data forwarding option:

  1. Open your form (under Forms).
  2. Click Settings.
    legacy form settings
  1. In the settings window, select that you’d like to redirect the subscriber to a custom thank-you page and paste your page URL.
  2. Below, under the Forwarding settings section, choose GET or POST (depending on your web site settings).
    legacy form data forward
  1. Exit the settings window and click Save & Publish to get to the next step.
  2. Choose I will install the form myself.
    publish form myself
  1. Copy the code you see there, paste it into the code editor software for your custom website and search for the element using the names of custom fields you have included.

If you’re using any hidden tracking custom fields, you can forward data from those as well.

How will I know the data was forwarded?

With the GET option, the data from the form will show up in the thank-you page URL.

Both the POST and GET options let you use the data in the contents of the thank-you page, depending on your website configurations.

Note: hidden custom fields

you set in the form creator will not be visible in HTML by default, so adding the code manually will be necessary if you want to forward hidden customs.

Can I use data forwarding in HTML forms?

Data forwarding can be used also in plain HTML forms.

Here is an example (with the hidden custom field “click_id”):

Find <FORM> and place any inputs you like inside it, for example:

<input type="hidden" name="custom_click_id" id="custom_click_id" value="YOUR_VALUE_HERE"></input>

As a result, when a subscriber

submits the web form, they will be taken to:

With the POST option, the data will be available in your website’s backend.