Course progress reminder

The Course progress reminder automation

template is designed to help you keep your students engaged and on track with their courses. This automation sends a timely reminder message to students who have enrolled in a course but haven’t completed a lesson. The reminders can be customized to encourage students to continue with their coursework or offer assistance if they are struggling. This automation helps improve course completion rates by providing gentle reminders to keep students motivated and focused on their learning journey.

Template overview

Category: Online courses
Elements in template: 4
Minimum number of elements to configure: 4

This automation has four elements, and you will need to configure all of them – course element, lesson element, message element, and tag element.

Here’s what you’ll need to configure the elements and publish the template as a workflow:

  • a course
  • an automation message or a message (or draft) that can be used as one.
  • tag – it will let you distinguish between contacts who have completed or have not completed a lesson yet.

Configuring the template

If an element is greyed out, it means that you need to set up its properties. Clicking an element opens its Properties.

  1. Configure the Course started element. You can adjust it so it triggers based on the start of a specific or any course.
  2. Configure the Lesson completed element. Here you can specify a course and a lesson. If your student doesn’t complete the specified lesson within 7 days, they will progress in the workflow.
  3. In the Send message element, choose a message that you would like to send to your students who have not completed your lesson. You can include a reminder note in it and encourage them to keep going.
  4. In the Tag element, choose a tag you would like to assign to contacts who have not completed your lesson. It will be useful to segment your contact list so you can send more personalized content.
  5. Click Publish when you’re done setting up the template, or Save and exit if you want to finish editing the template later (it will appear as a draft on the Manage workflows page).