Does GetResponse offer a free trial?

Starting from September 2021, GetResponse offers a Free account. For the first 30 days of using it, you will have trial access to premium features of our platform.

Can I upgrade my GetResponse Free account?

You’ll be able to upgrade your GetResponse Free account

whenever you want. Visit our Pricing to check the differences between the paid plans we offer.

What happens if I don’t upgrade my GetResponse Free account?

If you don’t upgrade it after the initial 30 days, you will lose access to the premium features of the platform. You’ll still be able to use your account but its features will be limited.

We prepared a special article where we explain all the limitations of GetResponse Free account. You can check what features you’ll have access to during the first 30 days of using the account.

You can also learn what happens to your account if you don’t upgrade after the first 30 days.

Click here to learn more about what GetResponse Free account offers.

Can I go back to GetResponse Free account after I upgrade?

No, it’s not possible to downgrade your paid plan to GetResponse Free plan again.