How can a contact unsubscribe from my list?
Every message sent via GetResponse contains an unsubscribe link at the bottom. Below you can find an example of the GetResponse disclaimer:

The recipient clicks the link and sees an unsubscribe page with a list of all lists they are subscribed to. Then they can pick one or more lists they wish to unsubscribe from, or they can stay on all lists and just withdraw their consent status.

After unsubscribing, they will also be able to select a reason for it, which is also described here.

Finding contacts that unsubscribed
To find the contacts who unsubscribed:
Go to Contacts (at the top) > Show all contacts > Inactive (to the right below the number of contacts).
It will be displaying the Removed contacts by default, that’s where you’ll see the unsubscribes and contacts deleted by you.
You can also check the Reason column for more information why the contact was removed.