How to customize my Dashboard with widgets? Video

GetResponse widgets give you the ability to customize your Dashboard. You can add as many as you need, in combinations that let you see the data you need the most. You can reposition them, change their settings, or remove them when they are no longer needed.

Use widgets to set up quick actions, or monitor at a glance your list size, newsletter

and autoresponder statistics, workflow statistics, or statistics for landing pages, or forms.

Monitor subscriptions and list activity

  • List size

Sort by name, size, contacts added, and contacts removed. It is useful for tracking changes to your contact lists.

  • New contacts

Monitor subscription numbers for one or more lists over a specific subscription period. The line graph shows whether your subscription numbers are increasing, decreasing, or staying steady. See the total number of subscriptions or switch between lists for list-specific statistics.

Keep track of messages

  • Newsletter stats

Check open rates

and click rates for the last-sent newsletter in a selected list.

  • Autoresponders

View your autoresponder list, check the open rates, and see the number of contacts receiving the autoresponder.

Track visits and sign-ups

  • Landing page stats

View the numbers for unique visitors, page visits, new contacts, and sign-up rate over a specific subscription period.

  • Form stats

View the numbers for unique visitors, form views, new contacts, and sign-up rate over a specific subscription period.

Monitor how many people have finished your workflows

See how many people have completed the workflows, and how many are still in them. The widget displays information for published and unpublished workflows. You can select the time range for which you’d like to see the results.

Create shortcuts for the most frequently used tools

  • Quick actions

Your selection of links to newsletter, web form, landing page, workflow and autoresponder creators. Plus, a quick link

to Add contacts.

How can I add more widgets and change my widget settings?

To edit the settings of your widget, hover your mouse over the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner of the widget and click on Edit. To save the settings of your widget, click on Apply on the bottom.

To add more widgets, click on Add new widget on the last widget tile. Click on Add on the widget you would like to add. The new widget will be added as the last widget.

Any time you want to delete a widget hover your mouse over the vertical ellipsis in the top right corner and click on Delete.

If you don’t have access to the selected widget functionality in your package, no problem – you can click on the widget and go to the upgrade page – it’s quite easy to extend your GetResponse package directly from the widget library.

Tutorial Video