How to manually remove contacts from my list?

You can remove individual contacts or a group of contacts from your lists. To start, go to Contacts.

Removing individual contacts from a specific list

  1. Click Search and then Advanced search to open the advanced search criteria.

  2. Click All current and future lists, select the list from the available options and click Apply. The contacts in the list will be displayed below.

  3. Click the 3 dots on the left side of the contact row and select Delete from list. This deletes the contact from this list only.

Removing multiple contacts from a specific list

  1. Follow steps 1-2, just like you would if you were to remove a single contact.
  2. Review the results and select the contacts you’d like to remove by clicking the checkmarks on their right side.

  3. Click the Actions above the contacts and select Delete from list.

Note: Clicking Delete from account

will remove them from all the lists they’re in.

Removing all contacts from a specific list

  1. Click the name of the list from which you want to delete the contacts.
  2. Click the 3 dots by the number of contacts in the list.

  3. Select Delete from list.

You can find the contacts you removed manually by going to Contacts >> Search >> Inactive (under the number of active contacts in your account on the right side) >> Removed. The contacts you removed manually will have “Deleted from panel” as a reason.

You can also remove contacts from multiple lists, especially if you’d like to remove duplicates. To learn how to do it, please go to How do I delete duplicates from my list.