How to export webinar chat history?

There are two ways to export the chat history for webinars in progress and after they’ve finished.

From the webinar room (only for a webinar in progress)

You can easily export the chat history at any time while running a webinar. Click the gear icon in the Chat pod, then choose Export history and your preferred file format: CSV, XLS, XML (The CSV with translations option is not available at the moment.)

After a few moments, you’ll see a notice that the export has been completed. Click the Save file button to save the chat history on your computer.

From the Manage Webinars page (after webinar)

If you don’t export the chat history during the webinar, you can when the webinar is over. Go to Webinars. On the Manage webinars page, hover over or click the Actions icon (vertical ellipsis). From the list, choose Download chat. You’ll see a pop-up

with an option to download the chat. Click it and save it. This method provides only the CSV format.