How to install SSL certificate for my custom domains?

In GetResponse we offer your custom domains an SSL certificate that is installed automatically whenever you add a domain. The certificate installation can take up to 1 hour.

Important: SSL certificates will be generated only for active domains. Domains in the waiting status will not be certified. The installation of the certificate will launch automatically after the domain status changes from waiting to active. We’ve added automatic redirection for custom domains with SSL certificate assigned. If SSL certificate has been generated and the domain is available over https protocol, every request to this domain will be redirected to https://.

To learn more about adding domains to your account, click here.

Before you begin

To manage the SSL certificates for your custom domains, go to Profile > Manage account > Domains or take this shortcut. Under Landing page domains section you will find a list of the domains added to your account.

Domains can have three statuses:

  • SSL inactive – indicated by a grey unlocked padlock,
  • SSL pending – indicated by a grey locked padlock,
  • SSL active – indicated by a green locked padlock.

How do I install the SSL certificate on my existing custom domains?

To install the SSL certificate on your existing custom domains you need to:

  1. Click or hover your mouse over the Actions icon (vertical ellipsis) to open the options.
  2. Click Install certificate.

    Installing certificate

  3. After clicking Install certificate, you will see a pop-up informing that the certificate is being generated.

    Certificate generated
  4. Generating of the certificate might take up to 1 hour. During that time, you will see a grey, locked padlock icon next to your domain, informing about the SSL pending status. SSL Certificate pending
  5. After successful installation, you will see a green, locked padlock icon next to your domain, informing about the SSL active status. SSL Activated

Do I have to install the SSL certificate on the domains I add?

The newly added domains will have the SSL certificate installed automatically. In these cases, you will see the https:// protocol already when adding the domain to your account:

After adding your new domain, you will see it under Manage domains section, marked with a grey locked padlock.

The locked padlock icon will turn green when the certificate installation is complete.