How to integrate GetResponse with ClickFunnels?

There is a number of ways to integrate your GetResponse account

with ClickFunnels. Thanks to this integration, you can use your ClickFunnels leads to grow your GetResponse contact list.

GetResponse didn’t create the integration with ClickFunnels. In case of issues with this integration, contacting ClickFunnels support team might be necessary.

How do I connect GetResponse to ClickFunnels?

To create the integration, you will need your GetResponse API

key. If you don’t have it yet or need to find it, click here to learn more about creating and finding your GetResponse API key.

Once you have your API key, follow the detailed instructions from the creators of ClickFunnels integration. You can access the ClickFunnels guidelines here.

Can I integrate GetResponse with ClickFunnels via Zapier?

Yes, it is possible to integrate GetResponse with ClickFunnels via Zapier. Click here to learn more about our Zapier integration.

My ClickFunnels integration isn’t working

If you experience any issues with your ClickFunnels integration, please email our DevZone team to establish if there is any connection issue between ClickFunnels and GetResponse. We will investigate the source of the issue and suggest how to amend it, but please note that since we are not the creators of the integration, we may not always be able to fix the issue on our end.

You can also contact ClickFunnels support team for further assistance.

Is there an alternative to ClickFunnels?

Certainly! We heavily recommend using our Conversion Funnels. With them, you can create funnels

that will help you build your list, share a lead magnet, sell your products and promote or sell access to webinars.