How to set properties for the Purchase condition?

When you configure purchase tracking there are two things you need to set up:

  • Your integration method: JavaScript or API.

If you choose API, you need to send a request to the endpoint for a customer to go through the element.

  • Your post-purchase thank-you page URL. The URL you enter must match exactly the website URL. If you’d like to track multiple versions of the URL, you’ll need to use a wildcard.

Our assumption is that no one can see the thank-you page

without actually buying anything. So, whenever someone visits the post-purchase thank you page we’ll mark such visit as a successful purchase.

Can I track thank-you pages at multiple URLs?

You can track multiple thank-you pages within the same domain. Use an asterisk (*) when you’re entering the thank-you page URL

under Properties for the Purchase element. The asterisk can go:

  • Before the domain name. For example, you have thank-you pages at two subdomains: and If you enter this URL: *, we can track the page at the two addresses.
  • After the domain name. For example, if you have thank-you pages in different directories, you can enter this URL:*
  • Before and after the domain name. If you have thank-you pages at different subdomains and directories, you enter **

Can I define a specific purchase amount for the condition?

You can define a specific purchase amount for the condition if you’re using API

to integrate your site and your GetResponse account. When you select API as the integration method, the amount options become available in a drop-down list. You can track purchase amounts for any or a specific shop.

To configure the purchase amount for the condition:

1. Expand the list and select specific amount.

After you’ve made the selection, a new list and fields become available to configure purchase details.

2. Expand the list and choose from the available configuration options. You can set the amount to be less than, more than, or equal to a given amount. You can also set the modifier to accept purchases that are less than or equal to a given amount, or greater than or equal to a given amount.

3. Enter the amount you’d like to track.

Note: We automatically convert decimal commas into decimal points. If you enter 49,95 it will show as 49.95. This doesn’t affect how your customers complete orders on your site. Also, keep in mind that the field only accepts two digits after the decimal point.

4. Choose the currency. There are two possible ways of doing that:

  • You can select an abbreviation from the pre-set list.
  • If you’d like to use a currency that’s not on the list, type in the abbreviation in the search menu and select the appropriate option.

Note: Keep in mind that the Purchase element will only recognize orders made using the currency you specify in the condition Properties.

If you accept payments in more than one currency on your site, only the ones that match the condition properties will be tracked. If you want to track purchases in more than one currency, be sure to set up separate conditions for each of them, and then link

them to the subsequent element. That way everyone who makes a purchase on your site enters the workflow.

Can I choose specific products in the Purchase element?

You can trigger a workflow for contacts who buy a specific product if you’re using API to integrate your site and your GetResponse account. In Properties, you can choose which store you want to track purchases from and select the product category and type.

Configuring Purchase

  1. Select API in the integration method field.
  2. 2. Select the shop you want to track product purchases from.
  3. 3. Select a product category. Note: If products in your store are not organized by category, this field will be grayed out automatically.
  4. Select a product and product variant.
  5. Select if you want to track purchases of any or specific amount.