How to add a background image to a message? Video

To make your message stand out, you can add a background image to your message or section. Background images can be used to create a repeatable pattern or show an image behind your message content.

Please note that not all of the email clients

support background images. At the moment, background images are supported by these main email clients:

  • Gmail,
  • Yahoo!,
  • iOS Mail,
  • Apple Mail.

Currently, the background images are automatically centred and repeated both horizontally and vertically.

The best practice when adding a background image is to choose a background replacement fallback color that is similar to your image main colors. If you don’t choose a fallback color, your text may not be visible in email clients that don’t support a message background.
For example, if your text is white and the image is mostly blue, when the fallback color is not selected, it will default to a white background. After delivering

to email clients that don’t support background images, your text will merge into the background

Adding a message background image

To add a background image to the entire message:

  1. In the message editor, navigate to Message style.
  2. Choose Email background color as your replacement, fallback color.
  3. Enable the Background image option.
    message background settings.
  4. You can choose an image from Files and Images by clicking Add image. Alternatively, you can provide a URL address of an image that will be set as a background image. To do that, provide the URL address in Download from a URL section.
  5. After adding an image, you’ll have the option to Replace an image or Edit it. Editing of the image happens in a separate editor. You can learn more about it here.

Your image will be added to the entire message.

Adding a section background image

To add an image only to one section of your message:

  1. Click on the section in the editor. Properties will open on the right side.
  2. Under Section properties select a background color as your replacement, fallback color.
  3. Enable the Background image option.
    section background settings.
  4. You can choose an image from Files and Images by clicking Add image. Alternatively, you can provide a URL address of an image that will be set as a background image. To do that, provide the URL address in Download from a URL section.
  5. After adding an image, you’ll have the option to Replace an image or Edit it. Editing the message happens in a separate editor. You can learn more about it here.
  6. Below, in the section Background width you can select if you want the image to be as wide as the message or as wide as the entire screen.

Your image will be added to the background of the section.

Tutorial video