How to add a video to my landing page?
You can use a video from YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia and embedd it on your landing page.
To add a video to your page:
- Go to Landing pages.
- Hover over the action button beside your page and click Edit design.
- Click on the Add elements button.
- Drag and drop the Video element into your page content.
- Click on video element, paste the URL of your video in the Video link field, and click OK.
After adding the video, the following options will appear (divided by sections they’re in):
- Source
- Video link – Change the URL of the video here.
- Muted autoplay – Automatically start playing your muted clip once the page is loaded (not every browser supports the autoplay).
- Mute – Enable mute as a default setting.
- Loop – Set the video to play on repeated loop.
- Controls – Show or hide default video controls provided by video platfom.
- Video window settings
- Width and Height – Set up the size of the video in pixels. Use the lock icon to maintain its ratio. Click Restore original size link to revert the changes.
- Scale to full-screen width on mobile – Make your video full-screen on mobile devices.
- Alignment – Align your video inside the video block to left, center or right.
- Advanced settings
- Border – Set the border size, shape and color.
- Radius – Set the video corners radius.
- Shadow – Create shadow with any color for your video.
- Block settings – the video block is a framed workspace around your clip with a Video label on the left. You can only see the frame after clicking on the object. It won’t be visible on your landing page. You can customize its color, padding, border, radius, and shadow.
- Absolute positioning – Enable this option to place the video in any place on your website. We only recommend using this option if you have some unusual design that can’t be created in any other way. Using objects with absolute positioning can make your page less responsive on mobile devices. You can find more information about this feature here.
- Hide on mobile devices – Enable this option to hide your video when your page is opened on a mobile device.
Steps for legacy landing pages
How to add a video to the legacy Landing Page
We support YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, and Vidyard. You can embed any video from these services onto your landing page.
While you’re in landing page creator:
1. Drag and drop the video placeholder into the workspace.

2. Click Embed button to save the URL.
3. Double-click the video block to display settings for the URL and playback. Depending on the video service, you’ll see options such as auto-play, loop or extra controls.


