How to add discounts to courses?
Offering discounts on courses is a great way to attract more students, boost enrollments, and increase revenue. Whether you’re running an online academy or selling individual courses, strategic discounting can make your offerings more appealing to potential students.
To create a discount, navigate to Tools > Discounts.

Next, click on Create discount.

This button will open the Discount settings screen. You can specify:
- Discount name – it can contain up to 70 characters. This name will be visible only to you.
- Discount type – you can select a discount as a fixed amount or percentage. It will be applied automatically to your chosen products. The new price will appear next to the regular price. For subscription products, the discount applies to each recurring charge.
- Discounted products – in this block, you will be able to select the course to which this discount should be applied to. Apart from courses, you can also use the discounts feature to create discounts for Premium Newsletters.

After configuring discount settings, click on Activate to enable the discount.

You will see the discounted price on your course page.