How to add social media icons to my landing page?
You can add social media and social sharing icons to your landing page to provide quick access and encourage more engagement from your visitors.
To add and setup the social media icons:
- In the landing page editor, click on the Add elements button.
- Drag and drop the Social media element to your page.
- Click on the Social media element to open its settings.
- Select the Action that should happen when one of the social media icons is clicked. You can select Follow or Share.
- If Follow is selected – add links for your page on each platform, so your pages can be followed.
- Click Share if you want your landing page to be shared easily on the selected platform.
- You can remove one of the default platforms (Facebook, X, Instagram, or LinkedIn) or Add more platforms (Pintrest, VK, YouTube, or TikTok).
- Expand Icon settings to access more options:
- Layout – choose from Horizontal or Vertical.
- Select Alignment.
- Select icons Color.
- Size – choose S, M, L, or set in manually in pixels.
- Choose the Spacing size between the icons.
- Expand Block settings to edit the framed workspace around your clip with a Video label on the left. You can only see the frame after clicking on the object. It won’t be visible on your landing page. You can customize its color, padding, border, radius, and shadow.
- Absolute positioning – Enable this option to place the social icons in any place on your landing page. We only recommend using this option if you have some unusual design that can’t be created in any other way. Using objects with absolute positioning can make your page less responsive on mobile devices. You can find more information about this feature here.
- Hide on mobile devices – Enable this option to hide your social media icons when your page is opened on a mobile device.
Steps for legacy landing pages
Adding social sharing icons
Social sharing icons allow your audience to share the content of your landing page on respective social media services. To add social sharing icons to your page, follow the steps below:
- In the landing page creator, hover over Social media (it looks like the X icon) to see the available icons.
- Select the section of the landing page you’d like to add the icon to.
- Double-click the icon to add it to the section. You can then reposition it to best fit your design idea.
Social sharing icons can’t be hyperlinked to external pages. Their purpose is to share the content of your page on particular social media services.
How can I link my social media page to my landing pages?
If you want to allow your audience to visit your social media pages, you can add a link to social media page. To create hyperlinks for your social media pages, follow the steps below:
- In the landing page creator, select a template and locate the social media icons within the body of your landing page.
Note: Social media icons are images that are already added to your page and can be hyperlinked. These icons are different from social sharing icons described above. - Double-click them to open the editing options and click on the Insert/edit link
- Edit the details, enter the account URL and click OK.
When your page visitor click on the image, they’ll be able to navigate to your social media page.