How to dynamically show parts of the message based on tags, custom fields, or lists?

Dynamic content

allows you to show elements of your message to recipients who meet certain criteria. For example, you can display personalized offers, greetings, or product recommendations depending on people’s tags and customs fields or the list they’re subscribed to.

Creating dynamic conditions

To dynamically show parts of your message:

  1. In the message editor, click on the part of the message you want to dynamically show or hide. It can be an image, text block, or anything else.
  2. In the panel on the right, find the Dynamic content section and click Add conditions.

    dynamic content editor

  3. From the drop-down menu, select if you want to show this to contacts based on:
    • List – you can choose to show it to contacts who are (or are not) on a certain list.

      dynamic content edit
    • Tag – you can choose to show it to contacts who have (or don’t have) certain tag or tags assigned.
    • Custom field – you can choose to show it to contacts whose certain custom field has (or doesn’t have) a specific value assigned.

      dynamic content edit
  4. After selecting the first criteria, you will be able to click the AND button to select another criteria the contact has to meet to see the chosen content. You can choose multiple criteria, but please be aware that the recipient needs to meet them all, otherwise the selected content won’t be visible.
  5. After selecting all criteria, click Apply to save it.

    dynamic content editor

Managing dynamic content conditions

If you want to edit or delete dynamic content conditions, follow these steps:

  1. In the message editor, click on the part of the message you want to edit dynamic content for.
  2. On the panel on the right find the Dynamic content section and click Edit conditions to change them or see them, or Remove all conditions to delete the conditions for that block.

    dynamic content editor