How to integrate WooCommerce with GetResponse?

You can easily connect your WordPress site and WooCommerce store with GetResponse to add contacts, products, and e-commerce data. You can manage it all in the GetResponse panel.

Use the data imported from your shop to recover sales with abandoned carts, promote your products, increase sales, or even send product recommendations based on sales history.

To set up the integration, you will need:

  • WordPress version 5.6 or higher
  • WooCommerce plugin
  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • cURL library installed and loaded
  • SSL certificate installed and enabled.

If your WordPress has modules and plugins installed, it’s best to first test if the GetResponse plugin will work correctly with them.

How to integrate WooCommerce with GetResponse

Creating the integration is a 2-step process:

  1. Install the GetResponse plugin in your WordPress
  2. Set up the integration in GetResponse.

You can find detailed instructions below.

How to install GetResponse plugin in WordPress

Our WordPress plugin is available to download in the WordPress marketplace.

There are two methods to install it:

First method:

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Download the plugin from here.
  3. In the left-hand menu, select Plugins > Add New.
  4. Click Upload Plugin and Choose File.
  5. Locate and select the plugin on your computer.
  6. Click Install Now.
  7. Atter installation click Activate Plugin.

Second method:

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  3. Search for GetResponse.
  4. Beside GetResponse for WordPress Official click Install and then Activate.

How to set up integration in GetResponse

  1. Go to Integrations and API > WordPress.
  2. Click on the Connect button.
  3. Provide WordPress site URL, admin username and the application password generated in WordPress. To generate application password:
    • Login to WordPress as an admin.
    • Go to Users > edit a user with admin rights you want to use.
    • Enter Application password name and click Generate to create a new password.

      wordpress application password

  4. Click on the Connect button.

Use the URL format starting with https:// to avoid getting an error.

Do not use WordPress admin password. Generate Application password instead.

If you have multiple sites and/or stores, they will be listed after connecting it.

configuration woocommerce

How to enter the integration settings

  1. Go to Integrations and API.
  2. Hover over WordPress integration and click Details.

    wordpress integration access
  3. Hover over the action button (vertical ellipsis) beside your WooCommerce shop and click Configure. You can configure recurring imports there as well as additional plugin settings.

    The configuration screen is described in the section below.

    Woocomerce intergration

How to set up imports and configure the integration

  1. Select an import type. You have two to choose from:
    • Send full ecommerce data – use this option to import contacts to your list, products to your shop (available in Ecommerce tools), and order history. Product listings will be available under Stores and products.
    • Import contacts only – use this option to add your customers to your contact list.
  2. Select a list you want to import contacts to. If there is an autoresponder linked with that list, you will be able to add imported contacts to the autoresponder cycle by ticking appropiate option and selecting the autoresponder day to be assigned just after contacts are imported.

    WooCommerce integration settings
  3. In Plugin settings section there are three additional settings you can enable:

    • GetResponse Web Connect – use this option to automatically install the Web Connect code on your WordPress site. It lets you track visits to your site. Use the information about customer activity on your site to create workflows based on visited URLs, or use advanced search options to identify people who recently visited your site. You can create segments and plan your mailings.
    • Contact Form 7 – enable this if you’ve installed Contact Forms 7 in your WordPress Admin panel and want to add subscribers from a Contact Form 7 form to the list in GetResponse.
    • Email marketing consent – enabling this option ads consent message with checkbox to the registration form and also to the checkout form (for guest users) to allow your customers to opt into your email marketing. Customers who check the box are flagged as accepting marketing emails. Only customers with consent for marketing emails are imported to your list. You can view and manage your customers’ marketing opt-ins in Users in your WordPress admin panel.
      This option is not available in WordPress multisite.
      The Email Marketing Consent is not the same as the GetResponse Consent field. These are separate mechanisms, and enabling consent in an integration will not map to the consent field within GetResponse.

      wp plugin settings
  4. Click Proceed to custom field mapping.
  5. You can use predefined fields and your own custom fields.
    Here is how you can create a new custom field in case you need it before the import.
    You can import just selected fields or all of them.
  6. After selecting the fields you want to import, click on the Import button to proceed.
  7. Note: you can ignore the fields you haven’t assigned by checking the Skip importing unmatched fields box beside the Import button.

    matching custom fields

The integration will start working once the first import is finished.

As soon as the integration is launched, the data will flow into GetResponse in real time, and additionaly, we do an extra check of any changes every 24 hours.