How to safelist email addresses to ensure smooth email delivery?

Email safelisting is an essential practice to ensure the delivery of important emails directly to your inbox, bypassing spam filters. In this guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions for safelisting email addresses on some of the most popular email clients and devices. We will also recommend safelisting GetResponse addresses, including our IP addresses, to ensure smooth email communication.

Adding our email addresses to your contacts or safelist helps ensure best deliverability of our system messages. Here are the addresses you should safelist:

If you are a GetResponse customer, you should advise your subscribers to safelist your from email addresses. This ensures that newsletters, autoresponders, and other messages from you land safely in your subscribers’ inboxes.

Please note that the safelisting procedures may vary slightly depending on the specific version and configuration of your email client/device. However, the general steps provided below should help you navigate through the safelisting process.

Safelisting email address in browser’s Gmail on PC or Mac.

  1. Log in to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on Google Apps (the grid icon) in the upper right corner and select Contacts.
  3. Click the + Create contact button to add a new contact.
  4. Enter the email address you want to safelist and any additional information.
  5. Click Save to add the contact.

    adding contact in gmail


The settings are similar on most PC/Mac Outlook applications, as well as on browser’s accessible client on

  1. Log in to your Outlook account.
  2. Click on People in the left side panel.
  3. Click on New contact. Enter the email address you want to safelist and any additional information.
  4. Click Save to add the contact.

    contacts in outlook

Apple Mail

It can be done on MacBook computer, but it applies to all linked Apple devices.

  1. Launch the Contacts on your Mac.
  2. Click the + button and New contact.
  3. Enter the email address you want to safelist and any additional information.
  4. Click Done to add the contact.

    contacts in apple mac

Mobile Gmail

Android and iOS

  1. Launch the Gmail app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner to open the menu. Scroll down and select Contacts.
  3. Tap on the + icon or select Create contact.
  4. Enter the email address you want to safelist and any additional information.
  5. Tap Save to add the contact.

    contacts on mobile gmail

Mobile Apple Mail (iOS)

  1. Launch the Contacts app on your iOS device.
  2. Tap on the + icon or select Create New Contact.
  3. Enter the email address you want to safelist and any additional information.
  4. Tap Done to add the contact.

    contacts on iphone

Safelisting GetResponse IP Addresses

This step might particularly be needed for owners of private mailing domains.

To ensure optimal email deliverability, we recommend safelisting the following GetResponse IP addresses:

To safelist these IP addresses, consult the documentation or support resources of your email server or network administrator.