How to sell an ebook using Conversion funnel?

Using Conversion funnel

you can sell an ebook to your audience in just a couple of steps.
Our Conversion funnel feature allows you to attach your file and deliver it to customers.

In this method, you will need to create a new product in your store and set up a sales funnel.

You can learn more about Conversion funnel in this playlist.

How to create a funnel to sell an ebook?

  1. Go to Conversion funnel.
  2. Click Create funnel.
  3. Enter your funnel name.
  4. Click Create a funnel under Sell a product.
  5. Select either Full sales funnel or Quick sales funnel.
  6. Select your store and click Add a product or Let’s do it! if you don’t have any products in your store.
  7. Select Downloadable file from the product options.
    downloadable file selection.
  8. Provide the file name and description of your product.
  9. Type in your product price. The currency depends on the store currency.
  10. Upload an image for your product. You can use: JPG,JPEG,PNG, and GIF.
  11. Upload your product file. It’s best to use .zip for your file of up to 50 mb.
  12. Select if you want to copy buyers to a specific list.
  13. Choose if you want to add them to the autoresponder cycle after the purchase.
  14. Click “Save”.

Once you’re done and the product is added, proceed with creating your Sales funnel.

After you’ve set up all stages of the funnel, you’re ready to sell some ebooks.

The moment someone gets to your order page and purchases your ebook, they will be transferred to a confirmation page from which they can download the file. They will also receive an email with a link

to that confirmation page.