How to track traffic on your landing page?

You can use the landing page

statistics to check what generates the most traffic on your page and learn more about page visitors.

Here’s how you do that:

  1. Go to Landing pages.

    Here you can find basic information about the number of Visits, Leads (confirmed and unconfirmed contacts who’ve signed up) and the Subscription rate.

    landing page baasic stats

  2. For more detailed information about specific landing page, hover over the action button beside it and click Overview.

    landing page overview

  3. On the Overview screen, you can narrow down the displayed data by selecting pages, devices, location, and time frame:

    landing page statistics

    • Click on the All pages dropdown to select only Home page (your landing page), Thank you page or 404 page statistics – you can select one or multiple pages there. Apply changes.
    • Click on the All devices dropdown to select Mobile or Desktop devices.
    • Click on the All countries dropdown to select one or multiple countries.
    • Select the time frame

  4. Now you can see statistics divided into five categories based on your selections:

    landing page statistics

    • Performance and traffic
      • Page views
        The total number of times the pages of your website were viewed or refreshed over the time period you’ve selected.
      • Visits
        The number of browsing sessions iniciated on your site. Each session lasts 30 minutes. If a visitor opens more than one page within one session, it still counts as the same visit.
      • Unique visitors
        The number of people who visited your site over the time period you’ve selected, counted only once.
      • Traffic over time
        Compare page views, visits, and unique visitors on a timeline.
        Hover over the graph to see statistics for a particular day.
    • Devices
      Click on the Devices tab to see what devices your visitors use the most.
      • Unique visitors by device
      • Clicks by device
      • Top device models
    • Location
      Click on the Location tab to see the location of your visitors sorted by country. Note: we can only track visitors that are not blocking geolocation tracking on their devices.
    • Click tracking
      If you have any links on your landing pages, you can see how they perform
    • Forms and popups
      You can find the performance of internal forms and popups that are on your landing page. The general performance section sumarises them all. Scroll down to find performance divided by each form.
Legacy landing pages

GetResponse tracks the number of visitors and subscribers for your page. You can access this information on Landing pages > Manage landing pages (legacy) .

Click each statistic to see a detailed breakdown of your visits, sign-ups and the subscription rate.

landing page statistics view.

Our system can also send you a notification email when someone subscribes via a landing page you create in GetResponse. Go to your list settings to set up email notifications.