How to use the “Lesson started or completed” condition in a workflow?
The Lesson started or completed condition in GetResponse enables you to track the engagement with specific lessons in your online courses. With this condition, you can monitor whether a contact has started or finished a particular lesson, allowing you to tailor your workflow automation
Note: only subscribed students can be tracked as automation works on contacts only. Here you can find more about enabling list subscriptions for your courses.
You can track when a student starts or completes a specific lesson (or any lesson) and plan some action based on that.
To do that:
- Find the Lesson started or completed element.
- Drag and drop it into your workflow to start connecting it with other elements.
- Click the element to open the Properties tab.
- Under Wait until a student dropdown select Starts a lesson or Completes a lesson, depending on which of the two options you want to track.
- Under In which course? you can choose the specific course the lesson belongs to.
- Under Which lesson? you can choose to select Any or Specific lesson.
- (Optional) Enable Run multiple times to allow the same contact to pass through this element every time they start/complete a lesson. This way you can trigger the next step for the same contact more than once.
- Select the time setting for When to assume the condition wasn’t met. For more information on how time settings work, go to How do I use time settings in condition properties.
How to remind my students about lessons they have not yet completed?
You can do this within one automation workflow. You can use:
- multiple Lesson started or completed conditions,
- Wait until student enrolls as start elements,
- Score action as a reward for completing lessons
- Send message action if your student hasn’t completed it within the selected time period
You can then use the score in a separate worflow, here’s an example.
Customize your workflows to accomplish different goals.
For example, here’s a scenario that allows you to:
- Add scoring points when a student completes a lesson.
- Send a reminder every 7 days until the lesson will be completed.
You can adapt this workflow to your needs. If you have more lessons, simply add another condition element and link