How do I write a prompt for AI Assistant? 

When writing prompts for AI Assistant, there are some general rules to keep in mind. They are not foolproof, and AI may still make errors. However, they provide a starting point for writing effective prompts: 


AI is still in its early stages of development. To help it better understand your expectations: 

  • Begin your sentences with verbs. 
  • Keep your sentences short. There are no strict guidelines regarding optimal length, but try to stick to around 15 words for better readability. 
  • If you have a lot of information to include, consider using bullet points or a numbered list. 


Start with clear instructions for the AI to follow. Since AI is still learning, if you provide complex instructions, it may use its judgment to prioritize certain rules and determine which information is most relevant. 

  • Use active verbs to tell the AI what you want it to do, such as “Write a paragraph,” “Write a welcome email,” or “Write a product description.” 
  • If you have specific expectations for the AI’s output, include them in the prompt. For example, you can say “Write a 3-paragraph welcome email.” 
  • Let the AI know what not to do by using phrases like “Avoid using [description] language,” “Never mention […],” or “Ignore…” 


The details in your prompt are like the ingredients you provide the AI to create the desired text. These can include: 

  • The name of your company 
  • The name of your product 
  • The benefits of using your product 
  • Product details 
  • The target audience 
  • The tone of the content 
  • The expected outcome 

Be specific in your instructions to the AI about how you want it to use the details. AI can get creative and make assumptions, so it’s crucial to specify the product benefits you want AI to mention explicitly. 

Testing and refining the prompt 

To start, you can begin with a simple prompt focusing on 1-3 main points you want the AI to remember. Then, evaluate the results and decide what aspects you want the AI to keep and what needs improvement. Follow the rules of clear and direct instructions, allowing the AI to iterate and improve over time. 

Prompt ideas 

Here are a few example prompts to help you get started with writing AI-generated emails. Remember to customize and fill in the placeholders with your specific details to create personalized

and engaging emails: 

Welcome email


Write a welcome email to [new subscribers/customers/target audience] introducing them to [your company name]. Include information about [products or services] and encourage them to [take a specific action/join a community]. 

Seasonal promotion email 

“Write an email to [target audience] announcing a [seasonal promotion/sale/discount]. Highlight [specific product/offer] and explain the benefits it provides. Include a compelling call-to-action to [encourage purchases/visit website]. 

Course introduction email 

“Write an email to [course participants/students] introducing them to [course name/number]. Provide an overview of the course content, key topics, and learning objectives. Include details about [course structure/duration/resources] and explain how to [access materials/engage with the course]. 

Update email 

“Write an update email to [target audience] regarding [specific update or announcement]. Include details about [what has changed/what’s new], explain the reasons behind the update, and highlight the benefits it will bring. Encourage recipients to [take a specific action or provide feedback] in relation to the update.” 

Season’s greetings 

“Write a season’s greetings email to [audience]. Begin the email by expressing warm wishes and acknowledging the current holiday or festive season. Share messages of appreciation, reflect on [achievements or events], and express gratitude for [audience’s support/engagement]. Include [specific offer or discount], if applicable, and encourage recipients to [celebrate/share the joy/participate in a season-related activity].” 

Birthday email 

“Write a birthday email to [customer/subscriber]. Begin by extending warm wishes for their special day and expressing gratitude for their continued support. Offer [exclusive offer/discount] or [personalized gift/reward] as a token of appreciation. Invite them to [celebrate/make a purchase/enjoy a special perk] on their birthday, and encourage them to [share the offer with friends and family}. 

Complex prompts

If you want more control over the result and don’t want AI to fill in the blanks too much, you can add more information to your prompt. Here’s an example: 

Welcome email 

Write a welcome email to [new subscribers/customers/target audience] introducing them to [your company name]. Include information about [products or services] and encourage them to [take a specific action/join a community]. 


  • Product details: [Provide a brief description of your product] 
  • Benefits: [List some key benefits of using your product] 
  • Target audience: [Describe the target audience for your product] 

Keep the tone friendly and informative. Avoid using technical jargon. Include a clear call-to-action at the end of the email. 

Seasonal promotion email 

“Write an email to [target audience] announcing a [seasonal promotion/sale/discount]. Highlight [specific product/offer] and explain the benefits it provides. Include a compelling call-to-action to [encourage purchases/visit website]. 


  • Company name: [Company Name] 
  • Product name: [Product Name] 
  • Product details: [Provide a brief description of the product and its features] 
  • Benefits: [Highlight the main benefits of using the new product] 
  • Target audience: [Describe the target audience for the product] 

Keep the tone exciting and persuasive. Emphasizing the unique selling points of the product. Do not make up product details.