Is deep linking available?

Deep linking is available, and it’s how an affiliate creates a link to a specific page on the merchant’s site. Instead of using a standard homepage affiliate link, you can link to a web page, blog, or resource related to your content to increase relevance and conversion rates.

How can I create deep linking to GetResponse sites

Your basic personal affiliate link to GetResponse home page is available on your affiliate portal dashboard:


How to earn more commission by creating deep linking

Studies show that over 25% of all lost sales are because users can’t navigate from the homepage to the page they want. Deep linking is the process of sending the visitor directly to the page on a website that they are interested in.

GetResponse gives you the ability to create your own affiliate links to any page on our site. Earn higher commission by converting more of your traffic with your own deep linking affiliate links.

To create your own deep linking affiliate links add the parameters

?a=D7JrhHTw3q&c=link_name (for Recurring Program)
?ab=D7JrhHTw3q&c=link_name (for BountyProgram)

to the end of the URL that you want to send your users to. The URL must be located in the domain.

link_name is the name assigned to the new link. Naming links allow you to measure the success of your affiliate activity which you can track by using reports available within your account.

Every link you create will allow you to track its:

  • Unique Visitors
  • Hits
  • Sales
  • Free accounts
  • Refunds
  • Chargebacks


You want to send a visitor to landing page for marketing automation because you wrote an article on how to use it in business:

Add a question mark ‘?‘ followed by ‘a=‘ and your affiliate login (no spaces). This must be present to earn comission.

Add ‘&c=‘ followed by the link name. This allows you to track unique visitors, hits, sales, free acounts, refunds and chargebacks for each link.