What lesson formats are available in the course creator?

You can use seven different lesson formats to create your course module. A module is a segment of a course that focuses on a specific topic or set of topics. They can include defined learning objectives, relevant content such as lectures and readings, and assessments to evaluate understanding. They serve as building blocks of a course, providing a structured and focused approach to learning particular parts of the subject.

What type of lesson formats can I use

Text format

The text format is a simple form that you can use to provide learning materials with text and images.

You can also use AI to generate the lesson content for you with a few short prompts. To use it, click on the blue Generate content with AI button.

This format is particularly effective for lessons that require detailed explanations, critical reading, and in-depth analysis. They can be supplemented with multimedia elements, interactive links, and discussions to enhance learning and engagement.

Video format

The video format allows you to upload your lessons or training videos and present them along with a text.

You can upload a video file with the following extensions: mp4, mkv, webm, flv, vod, avi, mov, wmv, amv, m4p, mpeg, mpg, 4mv. The maximum allowed file size is 2GB.

Key advantages of using video module are:

  1. Engagement: Videos combine visuals and audio, making content more interesting and easier to understand.
  2. Retention: Visual and auditory elements help improve memory and understanding.
  3. Interactivity: Can include quizzes and links to further resources to enhance learning.
  4. Practical Demonstrations: Effective for showing real-life applications and procedures.
  5. Professional Quality: High-quality production and expert contributions elevate the course.

These benefits make video modules an effective and versatile tool for your course.

Audio format

The audio format allows you to upload your audio lessons and present them along with a text.

You can upload an audio file with the following extensions: mp3, wav, m4a, wma, sn. The maximum allowed file size is 50MB.

Audio formats enhance courses by offering flexible learning, allowing students to absorb material while doing other activities. They are highly accessible and reduce screen fatigue. Audio content can improve listening skills and concentration. It’s also cost-effective to produce and easy to update, making it a practical addition to educational resources.

PDF format

The PDF format allows you to upload your lessons as PDF files.

You can upload a file with the following extension: pdf. The maximum allowed file size is 50MB, and you can enable/disable the download of this file in the Lesson settings section.

PDF formats are useful in a course because they are accessible on various devices, ensuring consistent formatting and ease of distribution. They are searchable, allow for annotation, and can be accessed offline. PDFs can include interactive elements and are durable and print-friendly, providing a versatile study resource.

External resources format

The External resources format allows you to provide a link to your lesson available online.

You can provide a link to resources available outside of GetResponse or to a website or a landing page that you created with GetResponse.

External resource format is useful when you want to provide a learning experience created outside of our course feature. It allows you to be more flexible with the tools and editors you wish to use to provide educational content.

Webinar format

The Webinar module allows you to use your scheduled webinars.

In the Lesson settings, you can also choose to hide this lesson from your module when the registration for your webinar closes.

A webinar format is useful for creating a course because it allows for real-time interaction, making learning more engaging and interactive. It provides flexibility with on-demand sessions, access to expert insights, and fosters a sense of community. Combining visual and auditory elements caters to different learning styles and is a cost-effective option for delivering course content.

Quiz format

The Quiz format allows you to create a quiz for your students.

With the quiz format, you can create multiple questions, and add explanations to them. Additionally, you can click add answer to create answers for your questions. You can create multiple answers and mark multiple answers as correct. If you mark multiple answers as correct, the student must select all of them during the quiz to pass.

In the Lesson settings section, you have additional options with the quiz format.

  • Require a passing grade – you can set the percentage that is needed in order to pass the quiz. You can only set a passing grade to a percentage value, and it cannot be changed to a point value.
  • Randomize questions – this option will randomize the order of questions that are shown to each student.
  • Randomize answers – this option will randomize the order of answers that are shown to each student.

A quiz format is useful for creating a course because it reinforces learning by testing students’ understanding of the material, providing immediate feedback that helps identify areas for improvement. It engages students through interactive assessment, helps retain information, and tracks progress, allowing instructors to monitor and support student performance.

Lesson settings

Each type of lesson has its own Lesson settings you can modify. Universal settings available in each lesson are:

  • Set as a free preview – this option allows your students to preview the content of your lesson before joining your course.

  • Set as a prerequisite – this option requires your students to complete the current lesson before moving to the next one. The next lessons are greyed out and cannot be accessed before the completion of this lesson.