Where can I view all my contacts?

You can find the list of all contacts in your account

on the Search contacts page. To get there, go to Contacts>>Search. The results show all your contacts in all the lists you’ve created in your account.

You can change the way the results are displayed:

  • Sort your contacts by name, email, subscription date, changed-on date, and origin (how they were added).
  • Click Modify columns to open a modal where you can reorder and show/hide the columns.

To open Contact details, click anywhere in the row.

Where can I find the list of inactive contacts?

The number of inactive contacts—bounced, unconfirmed, and removed contacts—is shown on the Search contacts page, under the number indicating the total number of contacts in your account.

To see the inactive contacts:

  1. Click on the number indicating your inactive contacts. Removed will be displayed first.
  2. Select unconfirmed or bounced to view contacts who match that criteria.
  3. Optionally, expand the All lists menu to selects the list you’d like to see the results for.