Where to find the API key? Video
You can find it under Integrations and API > API. To obtain your key:
1. Click on Tools and select Integrations and API from the Menu:
2. Select the API tab and then click the Generate API key button.
3. Name your key. The name is up to you. It’s a good idea to use a name that will help you keep track of all the API keys you generate.

4. Copy the API key and store it safely. For security reasons you will not be able to see it again after closing this window. You will be able to generate a different one though.

For safety reasons, we recommend generating a different API key for each of the integrations you build and use.
This key should be kept as secret as your password — don’t share it with anybody. The documentation for developers is available at API Docs page.
Unused API keys expire after 90 days. When that happens, you’ll need to generate a new key to use our API.