Why do messages sent to my own domain bounce?
Starting in February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo are rolling out new authentication requirements which require using a custom DKIM authenticated domain with DMARC reinforced.
GetResponse strongly advises all senders to use emails addresses from own sending domains as a from field, and to configure both DKIM and DMARC.
For additional details on these modifications, refer to our blog post:
Gmail and Yahoo’s Authentication Changes: All You Need to Know
Your message is likely to bounce when the from field is in the same domain as the recipients’ email address. It happens because in GetResponse we set the sender of your message to be your from field. At the same time, we redirect the message through our mailing servers. Some Internet Service Providers protect their users against spoofing and block such messages. In this case, the following scenarios are possible:
- the receiving server rejects the message and it does not appear in your contacts’ inbox,
- the receiving server accepts the message, but internal domain filters block it and finally it does not appear in your contacts’ inbox.
How to check if the message was rejected by the receiving server?
In both cases, you will find more information in your Dashboard. Go to Reports and look up the numbers in Bounced category. Learn more about bounces.

How to fix this issue?
If this happens, ask the administrator of your domain to add the GetResponse IP addresses to a whitelist (advance-authorized list of email addresses, held by an ISP) in the recipients’ domain. Our IP addresses are as follows:
If the above method does not help, please contact the ISP with a request to disable the blocking rule. It is necessary to help avoid similar events in the future.