Special provisions for Affiliates signed to our Affiliate Programs from August 23, 2024

If you joined the Bounty Affiliate Program and/or Recurring Affiliate Program for the first time after August 23, 2024, you agree to and accept the Terms and Conditions of GetResponse Affiliate Programs available HERE and special provisions available below. In any matters not regulated herein, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of GetResponse Affiliate Programs shall apply. 

I. Bounty Affiliate Program 

1. To cover potential expenses, and protect against risks associated with potential returns, disputes, and frauds, all payments of the Commission in Bounty Affiliate Program will be prorated,  as below:   

a) the value of 50% of the Commission shall be paid around the 20th day of the subsequent month in which you became eligible to receive the Commission if no potential expenses have been identified (1st payment);   

b) the value of 50% of the Commission shall be paid within 120 days after the date you became eligible to receive the Commission if no potential expenses have been identified (2nd payment); 

2. To avoid doubt, the above provisions authorize GetResponse to make appropriate deductions from the Commission. The above does not limit GetResponse from claiming damages under other provisions of the Terms or the applicable law. 

II. Recurring Affiliate Program 

1. If the Referred Customer purchases the regular version of the Service (GetResponse Service for SMB available on getresponse.com), the Affiliate will receive a residual Commission calculated as a percentage of the amount paid to GetResponse for the Service by the Referred Customer. In such a case, the Commission rate is 33%.  

2. If in a 6-month period, the Affiliate attains: 

a) not less than 25 sales – the Commission rate for all further sales shall be 40%; 

b) not less than 50 sales – the Commission rate for all further sales shall be 50%. 

3. The higher provision, as stated in sections 2 a and b above, shall be applicable for new sales initiated after the date of receiving the entitlement to a higher Commission rate. All sales made before this date shall be paid with the previous Commission rate. 

4. The higher provision, as stated in sections 2 a and b above, shall be lost if the Partner fails to maintain the current tier (as stated in section 2 above) within the next consecutive 6 months. The entitlement for the higher Commission is calculated every 6 months starting from the date the Affiliate joined the Recurring Affiliate Program. 

5. To cover potential expenses, and protect against risks associated with potential returns, disputes, and frauds, the payment of the Commission for sales in prepaid annual and 2-year plans will be prorated, protect against risks associated with potential returns, disputes, and fraud, as below:  

a) the value of 50% of the Commission shall be paid around the 20th day of the subsequent month in which you became eligible to receive the Commission if no potential expenses have been identified (1st payment);   

b) the value of 50% of the Commission shall be paid within 150 days after the date you became eligible to receive the Commission if no potential expenses have been identified (2nd payment). 

6. To avoid doubt, the above provisions authorize GetResponse to make appropriate deductions from the Commission. The above does not limit GetResponse from claiming damages under other provisions of the Terms or the applicable law.