Deals and discounts in a Happy New Year email (or New Year’s Eve message) will boost your year-end sales – and customers have come to expect those last-minute savings as they ring in new beginnings.
That’s right, NYE doesn’t just mean New Year’s Eve, there’s another reason to celebrate and that’s by gaining new leads, getting more sales, and putting smiles on your customer’s faces with the perfect New Year’s email.
This time of the year is a prime opportunity to connect with your audience. Whether it’s to say bye to 2022 and mark some in-stock items that need to move on clearance, or giving your audience a reason to “Treat Yourself to Start the New Year,” you can offer up year-end and/or start-of-the-year deals, discounts, sales, and other special goodies this holiday season.
It’s worth one more holiday email before the year ends to give your target audience a great personal connection as well as putting you in their mind in a positive way. Everyone is looking for a reason to put the past year in the rearview and look ahead to better things next year. Go ahead and give them a reason to do just that, with your New Year email greeting and offer!
Get ready to sip some bubbly while feeling extra cheerful and use these top New Year’s Eve messages and best practices to spark more interest and engagement from your own Happy New Year email.
How to write a Happy New Year & New Year’s Eve email
Just like the start of a new year, people want something special from the get-go – so give your audience what they want and make an impact at the tail end of the holiday season.
Start off your New Year email greeting with just that, a great greeting with a friendly, even encouraging tone. Present a reason to celebrate not only saying goodbye to the past year, but also welcoming in some hope for 2023. Perhaps you could review the year with a lighthearted tone, or just look ahead by presenting your great offer. You can even give a simple thanks to your audience for sticking with you through the year or thanking them in a more unique manner or particular tone to your brand and business.
Make sure to make it personalized (Not sure how? Keep reading, we’ll tell you exactly how), maybe add in a captivating image or gif, and give them a CTA they can’t say no to!
17 Happy New Year + New Year’s Eve email samples that truly shine
1. Wish them a “Happy New Year” (yeah, you saw that one coming!)
Subject line: Happy New Year!

What makes it shine?
The subject line leaves no doubt – they’re wishing you a Happy New Year. The copy’s short and concise, but notice how it still manages to focus on the reader and thank them (after all, isn’t it what wishing someone a Happy New Year should look like?)
When sending your customers New Year’s wishes (or any kind of wishes), apart from focusing on them, do it in a way that’s true to your brand. This email is filled with joy and positive spirit, nicely combining the copy with some compelling visuals that show the human face of the brand.
Plus, notice the “Shop now” button at the bottom of the email. Even though it’s technically a “Happy New Year” email, it doesn’t really seem out of place (and might be helpful if you’re actually looking to do some online shopping.) The trick is to blend it in the right way.
Did you know that GetResponse Email Creator comes with 100+ free email templates that look great and are fully customizable? Go ahead and start sending beautiful holiday emails completely free with our Forever-Free Plan.

2. Help to make the New Year even better
Modern Mammals
Subject line: Get one thing you can count on in 2022

What makes it shine?
The simplicity of this campaign is elegant and striking all at once. Around New Year’s Eve people start to reflect on the past year while also thinking about resolutions for the upcoming year. This can create uncertainty, doubt, and a whole bunch of thoughts bubbling up in someone’s mind.
The aim here is to give them a promise that seems larger than life, bigger than the product at hand, so they’ve already hooked the reader just by saying that what they have to offer presents stability, assurance, and even comfort.
The ending with a joke about zombies is great too, almost as good as adding in some cats! They tie in the zinger with an idea that you should keep some of their product in reserve, and they tie that to the offer as well – to order 3 of them for a discount – which helps move stock and makes the sales larger than if it was a discount on just 1 item. Smart. Very smart.
3. Keep it simple, yet spectacular
Subject line: Fitbit Premium: Level up your 2022 💪

What makes it shine?
There’s nothing wrong with seeing how a big, proven brand does something and borrowing a bit of it for yourself. There’s nothing flashy or glitzy about this email, yet, it strikes a chord with the audience immediately by referencing resolutions, something on most people’s minds around New Year’s Eve.
If your brand offers any type of VIP or premium level of service, this is a perfect chance to show them that they can level up themselves and reach their goals in upcoming year by taking advantage of an end-of-year sale to get some exclusives at a cheap rate. There’s a clear CTA above the checklist, which visually shows the customer what they have to gain, and then another great, clear CTA that follows the list. Showing some perks with quick-hitting icons and text hammers home the whole point, with three great timeless options – free or discounted shipping, a guarantee of satisfaction, and a warranty as well.
4. Resolutions
Subject line: Can’t go wrong with this New Year’s resolution

What makes it shine?
The imagery, the huge offer, even the drop shadow on the text with snow behind it really invite the reader in without saying or doing too much. They present a “New Year’s Offer” and even put in a freebie (always a hit).
People are looking to upgrade/update/improve to start a new year, and this message gives an invitation to do just that, with some products and CTAs in a nice layout. The message puts some nice imagery at the bottom by showing their Instagram feed photos, which give a way to show some great images that aren’t 100% related to the offer, but give a chance to reinforce their brand (a puppy, baby, and happy customer – pretty on-point).
They even finish it off with options to contact them for more help.
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5. Start the year off…
Subject line: Start the year off stylishly! Book a trim, touch-up, or chop at Chicago’s top salons

What makes it shine?
Whatever you have to offer, this subject line and offer can be replicated. The tagline is familiar, and the introduction is applicable to anyone, anywhere, in any year.
We love the way it’s framed with a bold color, a great CTA, and an image that tells you exactly what this is and allows the reader to picture themselves in this situation, getting that “new look”.
6. Pssst…a reminder to remember
Subject line: Reminder: Welcome 2020 with 20% OFF!

What makes it shine?
Reminders, especially as one year flips to the next, are great.
Even from a far away glance, the blocks all make sense and create an overall image and impression that is engaging. If you’ve got a few things to offer, or present, this format (done well) can give you multiple opportunities to get a connection, and a click.
The text is meant to inspire you and look back while looking ahead. There’s advice, tips, products, and even a unique hashtag to promote interaction and further connectivity with the audience. The CTAs are specific and spot-on as well.
7. Say thanks to your community
Subject line: What happened this year at Glitch?

What makes it shine?
Apart from the eye-catching, cheerful design, it doesn’t just focus on what happened at the company. It highlights the role of the users, showing how they contributed to the company’s success.
The copy is also simple and human, which goes nicely with the design that complements it.
A nice touch is the call for feedback and support contact details, helping to make the entire email all about the reader – and not the sender.
So, when writing your Happy New Year email, notice how many times you’ve used “we” and “you” – and flip the proportions if necessary.
8. Personalize it
Subject line: Your Shipt Year In Review 2019 🎉

What makes it shine?
Like the email above, it says thank you and focuses on the readers and their milestones with the company. It also goes for the minimalist approach when it comes to copy, but the email’s designed infographic style, drawing attention to the numbers.
This makes it really easy to read and visualize the user’s impact. Resulting in an email that is bound to make the reader feel better, which is a fitting goal for a Happy New Year email.
It also uses a little bit of humor, which is nice. Your Happy New Year emails don’t have to be lofty and serious (unless you want them to, of course 😉 ), and this kind of email is destined to be a highlight in any overcrowded inbox.
9. Got a New Year Sale? Let your customers know
Subject line: New Year Sale ⭐ This Weekend ⭐ 25% Off!

What makes it shine?
Speaking of selling. If you’ve got a New Year Sale going on (or any kind of event related to the season), don’t shy away from including it in your New Year’s emails – you customers will want to know.
You can send a separate email with just the sale details, like the one above. But reminding your customers about it along with some New Year’s wishes might still be a good idea – just don’t make it all about the sale then.
One more thing to take away from this one – try using emoji in your subject line. Inboxes are usually extremely crowded during the holiday season (but when are they not?) Emoji might help you catch your subscriber’s eye.
10. Be relevant and encouraging
Subject line: Stay in, start a new Ritual

What makes it shine?
A challenge that isn’t intimidating – “Ready When You Are” – plus a fantastic image full of contrast, and products on full display. You can do a lot with one great photo and a great headline.
The copy is clean and succinct, the offers are listed and then, bam – the big ticket item – 50% off.
And we love the take on the color block with a unique, personalized yet simple twist, adding a smiley face into it.
11. Remind them about your best content
Help Scout
Subject line: The blog’s best reads from 2019 🎊

What makes it shine?
If you have a blog, now’s a good time to remind your readers about some of the most popular content you’ve published throughout the year. This email does it in a delightful way, probably finding its readers scrolling through their inboxes after a family dinner – just as described in the intro paragraph.
Notice how with the little copy the email contains, the sender manages to both paint a compelling picture for the reader and wish them a Happy New Year. One hint: maybe they could have already done it in the subject line, which at this point might not be compelling enough to open it (despite the emoji).
12. Show your readers you get them
Subject line: New year, same you (and proud)

What makes it shine?
One of the most often quoted rules of good marketing is “know your audience.” And the authors of this email sent by WeTransfer seem to have taken the lesson.
End-of-year content often revolves around New Year’s resolutions. But they’re often too good to be true. And people, well, we tend to not keep them. So why not make ones we can actually keep?
With some short-and-sweet, witty copy and funny visuals, the email talks about “resolutions worth keeping” while linking to external content. What email marketers can learn from them is definitely how to create engaging email content that keeps your subscribers reading until the very end.
Especially this year, when we might have to be much more creative about our New Year’s resolutions. 😬
13. Back to basics, into the future
Cultures for Health
Subject line: Networking for introverts | 5 self-care habits for homeworkers

What makes it shine?
A great offer that anyone can repeat, in any given year. Go ahead and try it yourself if you’ve got a discount to promote and want to make it catchy, as in, “Get 23% off to start 2023!”
The header is clean and inviting, and gives you the offer and a CTA immediately. There’s an expiration date, urging action from the reader, in the beginning text where they let you know this offer is for everything. They even a small disclaimer that nothing more is needed for redeem the offer, while reinforcing the offer is for a limited-time only.
The images the use are wonderful as well, putting you in a position to imagine yourself doing what they are offering, and even giving a goal for the New Year with another CTA.
With a “Picked for you” section they put the power in your (the audience’s) hands again, and offer up some products to get the new project underway. Whereas some brand put their header links at the top, they’ve chosen to put them in the footer, which keeps the focus on the discount.
14. Back to basics, into the future
Subject line: Thank you!

What makes it shine?
We think simple is sometimes the best, and people definitely have a KISS on their minds when the clock strikes midnight.
So, Keep It Simple, Silly. 😋
The strength of this email lies in its simplicity, which is in line with the overall brand image and messaging. Both the design and the copy are minimalist and very clear in getting the message across.
Because sometimes, it’s all there is to it. A thank you.
Plus, note how they still link to their online store in a way that’s again, non-intrusive and consistent with the whole email.
15. This will be your best year
Subject line: Get more done this year

What makes it shine?
Even the biggest brands can keep it simplistic. This one is from a brand (and even a verb sometimes) you likely know very well. Yet, they don’t do anything here that you couldn’t do yourself.
The headline is to the point and perfect, encouraging you to “Make this your best year yet.” That’s a common theme for plenty of people, to look ahead and use this calendar marker to go ahead and become your best self.
They make it approachable, inviting, and even the imagery gives you a sense of joy, reflection, and looking forward. Going step-by-step, the frames are give you some simple steps to do just what they invite you to do, and the wrap it up with a “Pro Tip” and two great CTAs.
16. Experiment with your subject lines
Working Not Working
Subject line: Working Not Working Wishes You a Happy Holidays & Thanks You for a Great Year

What makes it shine?
Or, you know, go the opposite way and throw simple out the window. 😜
If you have a service-based business and are closing up for the holiday season, your New Year’s email can also be a good moment to let them know about it.
This email sent on Dec 23 updates its subscribers while also wishing them a Happy New Year and saying thanks. And the descriptive subject line explains exactly what’s in it.
It might be the exact opposite of the subject line in the previous email, but in the email world, there’s room for both ends of the spectrum (and what’s in between, too.)
Our research has repeatedly shown it’s not just length that’s the key factor in making a subject line successful. Although shorter subject lines tend to perform better, as our latest Email Marketing Benchmarks report shows.
If you’re not sure what subject line will work better, test it – and see what your audience responds to better. Subject lines are one of the greatest things to test, and the feedback is essential to planning out the next batch of emails you’ll send.
17. Make it all about them
Subject line: The Bold and the Beautiful and other 2019 highlights

What makes it shine?
This one is a bit long, but they’re willing to bet that because it’s a wrap-up of the entire year, the reader will spend time with it. Or at least find the block most relevant to them.
The message starts with a great image and introduction, but what we like the best here are the sections and the amount of imagery/color throughout. It’s an inviting New Year email.
They present tips, advice, facts, and more, for “you.” Even in snippets, there are parts to pull away from this and enjoy, using them your own way in your own unique New Year email.
Editor’s note: We hope you found inspiration from this wide range of great examples! Images are all courtesy of Really Good Emails.
3…2…1… Get your Happy New Year + New Year’s Eve email ready
Get your Happy New Year or New Year’s Eve email ready ahead of time with insights from above, along with our super handy professionally designed template that will set you up for success.
With GetResponse Email Creator, you can personalize your messages, choose a sleek, inviting design, and customize it with our easy drag-and-drop editor. You can even add in professional images from Shutterstock (2m+ free images available), or gifs from Giphy, right in your GetResponse account. And finish it up with a spiffy CTA (or 2, or 3).
Here’s how to get going:
Step 1: Sign up for a free account. Yes, you can send your newsletters with GetResponse Email Marketing for free!
Step 2: Pick a template and customize it to your liking.

Step 3: Import your list & set up your Happy New Year or New Year’s Eve email to be sent right when you want it, and right when your readers want it, too, with send-time optimization a.k.a. Perfect Timing!
Just like the clock striking midnight, you’ll have reasons to celebrate thanks to your new Happy New Year Email sure to bring you more leads, sales, and smiles to start 2023 in style. 🥳 🎉 🤩
Special thanks to Karolina Kurcwald for her contributions to this article.