Expert-Approved Marketing Automation Templates

2 min

We recently introduced workflow templates within our marketing automation software to help you get started quickly and save you time. You can find nine categories of templates that include scenarios like automated welcome messages for lead qualifying and abandoned cart reminders for sales promotions.

If you’ve followed us for a while, you might have noticed that we often work with industry experts to bring you the most useful marketing knowledge, helping you create more successful campaigns.

Read more: Marketing automation for beginners guide & How to get started with GetResponse Marketing Automation

Today, we are excited to announce our first partnership with a marketing expert for our marketing automation templates. Talia Wolf, CEO of the conversion optimization agency Uplift, worked with us to create two custom workflow templates for you.

The first one is a lead scoring template that helps you determine which leads are ready to move on to the next stage within your sales process. Here’s how it looks:

Image showing a Marketing Automation Template.

The template is based on the assumption that you are already scoring your contacts based on their engagement with your messages. Once they reach a certain score within a given time period, they are automatically assigned a tag to help you identify those leads who you deem as “qualified” or “warm”. Helpful hint: the term “qualified” or “warm” is often used to refer to leads who you determine as being ready to receive more sales-focused content.

Once your leads are qualified, you can use the second workflow template to invite them for a demo, or a presentation of your product. Here’s how it looks:

Marketing automation templates by GetResponse.

This template takes your efforts from the first template a step further. Based on the tag applied to the qualified leads, they automatically enter this template and are sent an invitation for a demo of your service. Additionally, this workflow has a branch dedicated to direct demo requests. During the webinar with Talia, she discussed the idea of having a dedicated landing page or form specific to demo requests. The right branch of the template is based on the assumption that someone signs up specifically for a demo and automates the confirmation of their request. Both branches lead into a CRM pipeline specific to the sales process for this product or service.

Learn more about how to use these templates in our Help Center:

Tag contacts based on score.

Invite contacts to a demo.

Back to you

In time, we will be adding more marketing-expert approved templates to the gallery, so stay tuned for more. Meanwhile, have you already used our workflow templates? What are your thoughts? Please share them with us in the comments.

Sezgin Hergul
Sezgin Hergul
As a Product Marketing Specialist at GetResponse, Sezgin is responsible for building connections between customers and the product. He is passionate about life cycle marketing, product management, content and growth marketing. You can follow him on Twitter.