The state of email marketing by industry

3 min

Compared to the industry standards how effective are your email marketing campaigns, really? Are they exactly what the subscribers expect? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in this post + exclusive report – Email Marketing by Industry January 2016, written by Kath Pay in collaboration with GetResponse and SmartInsights.

Editor’s note: For fresh email marketing statistics in your industry and location, check out the updated Email Marketing Benchmarks report.

Purpose of the Study

According to data from DMA 2015, for every $1 invested, email marketing generates an average return of $38. However, not all industries have been created equal. You may have noticed that some markets are more competitive. A great number of players using advanced tactics, yet observing lower than global average Open Rates and CTRs. Other industries on the other hand, seem to have plenty to catch up in terms of methods and techniques, but observe much higher than the average results.

What does that all mean? To be able to assess one’s performance, marketers must be able to be able to compare both the global as well as the industry-specific results. That is why Holistic Email Marketing, an email marketing consultancy, GetResponse, an email marketing and online campaign management platform, and Smart Insights, publishers of digital advice, have teamed up to conduct a major online marketing study.

Striving to empower marketers to improve their communication strategies, we’ve prepared a report that will help you compare your performance against your competitors’ and global benchmarks.

How we Conducted the Study

During July and August 2015, a group of 1831 Smart Insights members and GetResponse customers around the world have taken part in an online marketing study. The respondents, mainly senior managers responsible for digital marketing, came from businesses covering the full range of industry sectors. Their answers served as the basis of a study, that led to the creation of the State of Email Marketing by Industry report.

State of Email Marketing 2016 Report

What You’ll Find in the Report

Among many findings, we’ve discovered some that are equally exciting and inspiring, and at times even shocking. Some of the key takeaways are that:

Average Open Rates and Click Through Rates for Industries and Continents

But that’s not all:

  • 57% of marketers will increase their email marketing budget in 2016
  • 42% of marketers don’t use segmentation in their email campaigns
  • 4% of marketers use behavioral and survey data
  • 33% of email marketers don’t optimize their emails

Upon reading the report, you’ll have in-depth knowledge about global and industry-specific benchmarks regarding email opens, click-throughs, and click-to-open rates. You’ll also be able to see how marketers, in various industries, value different digital marketing channels based on the return-on-investment they generate for them.

On top of that, the report provides a great amount of information on the types of methods and tactics marketing professionals use across industries. The importance and popularity of elements such as evaluation and tracking, list quality, targeting, deliverability, email automation, advanced segmentation, have been carefully measured and analyzed.

Recommendations and the Webinar

Aside from statistics and analysis within the report, you’ll also find a set of recommendations that will help you swiftly improve your marketing campaigns. By the time you finish reading, you should be fully aware of how your email marketing stacks up against the competition, whether you’re missing out on opportunities for growth, and which high-impact areas you should focus on in the coming year.

To discuss and elaborate on the findings, Kath Pay, CEO of Holistic Marketing and the author of the report, teamed up on the 28th of January with Michal Leszczynski, Content Marketing Manager at GetResponse, for a joint webinar. If you haven’t had the chance to hear them live, feel free to watch on-demand using the webinar recording and slidedeck below.

Got questions or comments regarding the study? Join the discussion in the comment section below.

Michal Leszczynski
Michal Leszczynski
Meet Michal Leszczynski, Head of Content Marketing and Partnerships at GetResponse. With 10+ years of experience, Michal is a seasoned expert in all things online marketing. He’s a prolific writer, skilled webinar host, and engaging public speaker. Outside of business hours, Michal shares his wealth of knowledge as an Email Marketing lecturer at Kozminski University in Warsaw. You can reach out and connect with Michal on LinkedIn.