Your Black Friday 2024 guide to get record-breaking sales

14 min

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days in the world, and consumer spending on this day seems to increase year after year.  

In 2023, consumers spent $9.8 billion on online purchases on Black Friday in the U.S. alone, a 7.5% increase from 2022.

If the sales trends from the last few years are anything to go by, 2024’s Black Friday could be the biggest one yet, and you can capitalize on it using email marketing. 

Let’s look at how to create a lucrative email marketing campaign that doesn’t just boost Black Friday sales but also makes a great impression on customers that could help drive revenue for the entire holiday season. 

Why invest in Black Friday email marketing campaigns?

Black Friday was the most popular day for online shopping in 2023, with 90.6 million people in the U.S. making purchases. It was also the busiest day for in-store shopping, with 76.2 million consumers visiting brick-and-mortar locations.

But it’s not just about what happens on the day itself. Black Friday can spark a sales boom that lasts throughout the holiday season. For many retailers, the end-of-year holidays are a critical period, accounting for nearly a fifth of their annual sales.

So, why is email marketing particularly effective? 

First, email is one of the most direct and personal ways to reach your audience. You control the message, timing, and frequency of your communications. And email lands directly in your subscribers’ inboxes, unlike some channels where algorithms dictate who sees your content. That gives you a bigger chance to capture their attention.

Why it’s worth preparing for Black Friday in advance

Too many brands leave Black Friday planning to the last minute. 

Remember, countless businesses are vying for consumers’ attention on this big day, so starting early can make all the difference. In 2023, nearly half of small and medium-sized businesses began rolling out their holiday deals as early as September, with up to 70% launching them before Halloween.

Not to mention, there are only 27 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2024 — compared to up to 33 days in other years. Because of this, consumers may begin their holiday shopping and product research earlier than usual. 

By planning and launching your Black Friday email marketing efforts ahead of time, you can capture this early interest and establish a strong presence before the competition heats up.

Starting your campaigns early also allows you to:

Refine your targeting

Early planning gives you time to dig deeper into your customer data and segment your audience for personalized and, thus, more effective campaigns. 

According to a MoEngage survey, over half of consumers expect a personalized shopping experience, with 27.7% saying they want brands to customize communications based on their purchase history. Almost a third said whether communications are relevant to their present shopping behavior would cause them to select one brand over another. 

What level of personalization shoppers want, according to MoEngage.

What level of personalization shoppers want, according to MoEngage.

And in another 2024 survey, 9 in 10 business leaders said they believe personalization will be crucial to their business’s success in the next 3 years.

Test and optimize

Early preparation gives you time to run A/B tests on your email campaigns and make relevant optimizations. You could test various parameters, such as the best time or day to send emails, how long to make your subject lines, or whether to use emojis.

Let’s say you’re unsure whether a short, snappy subject line or a longer and more detailed one generates more opens. You could run an A/B test where half of your audience receives the short subject line while the other half gets the more detailed one. The open rates for each version can help you determine the ideal style for your target audience. 

You can run a similar test on the best time to send emails. Research from GetResponse suggests that 4-6 AM and 5-7 PM are great time slots. However, the best time for your customers may differ, and that’s where A/B tests come in.  

Alternatively, you can take advantage of tools like Perfect Timing and Time Travel, which deliver your messages when customers are most likely to interact with them.

Select products and create offers

An early start also gives you ample time to curate attractive offers that are likely to drive higher sales. For instance, you can bundle complementary products and offer them at a special price. Or you can provide exclusive, limited-time deals that create a sense of urgency, like the one below from Designmodo:

Example of a Black Friday email that creates a sense of urgency with phrases like “last chance.

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Example of a Black Friday email that creates a sense of urgency with phrases like “last chance.

Start teasing early enough

Teasing your Black Friday deals early can generate excitement and anticipation among your subscribers and improve the chances of conversion on the big day. 

For instance, you may begin teasing your deals around 6 weeks before the event, such as by sharing glimpses of upcoming deals, including countdown timers to Black Friday or a series of messages that gradually reveal more details about the sale. Then, as Black Friday approaches, you can ramp up the urgency by sending out more specific promotions. 

Alternatively, you can offer early access to Black Friday deals to a segment of your customers, like Cozmo does in the example below. 

Example of a brand offering early access to Black Friday deals.

Example of a brand offering early access to Black Friday deals. 

How to set up a great Black Friday email campaign

Follow these steps to create an effective email marketing campaign that skyrockets your Black Friday sales.

Use personalization and segmentation

Personalization means creating email content that resonates with each recipient on a personal level. That means content that reflects their specific needs, interests, and previous interactions with your brand. For example, you might send special offers on products they love on their birthday or anniversary or recommend new products to try out based on their browsing history. 

Personalized emails create a more intimate connection with the recipient, making them feel valued, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Segmentation means dividing your email list into smaller, specific groups and then targeting them with tailored messages. Standard segmentation can be based on demographics (such as age, location, or marital status) and geography, while advanced segmentation might involve behavioral data, such as past purchases or browsing behavior.  

For example, you could create segments for new subscribers, frequent or loyal customers, and high-value buyers. Each segment might receive different types of offers: frequent buyers could get early access to sales, while new subscribers might receive a welcome Black Friday discount to encourage their first purchase.

Another segmentation method is dividing your audience based on their stage in the customer lifecycle. Here, you might group subscribers into three categories.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

These are new subscribers or leads who have just become aware of your brand. For this category of subscribers, send welcome emails with an introduction to your brand, along with educational content, like how-to guides or industry insights. You can also offer a special introductory discount to encourage their first interaction. In the example below, Loeffler Randall gives users a 15% discount on their first order:

Example of a sales email targeting TOFU customers.

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Example of a sales email targeting TOFU customers.

Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

These are subscribers who have previously shown an interest in your product but have not completed purchases. Here, focus on building social proof. Share testimonials or provide case studies to reinforce the value of your products and address any lingering hesitations.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

These could be customers who have made a purchase before and are close to making another purchase. For this group, provide personalized offers and incentives. Exclusive discounts, special deals, or loyalty rewards can help nudge subscribers in this category toward completing a new purchase. 

Expand your subscriber list

The foundation of a lucrative Black Friday email marketing strategy is a strong list of subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the larger your reach and the more sales you can make on Black Friday.

So, in the months leading up to the big day, work on expanding your email list. One great strategy you can use is to create and offer high-value content — such as guides, books, or tutorials — to prospects in exchange for their email address.

Let’s say you run an ecommerce store that sells gym wear. You could offer people who visit your website a “Holiday Fitness Survival Guide” in exchange for signing up for your email list. 

Another strategy is to offer special incentives. For example, you could create a pop-up on your website that offers visitors a 10% discount code or coupon if they sign up for your newsletter before Black Friday. This approach not only expands your email list but also primes your new subscribers to be ready for your upcoming promotions.

Optimizing your opt-in forms can also help you grow your list. Place them in prominent and high-traffic places of your website, such as the homepage, landing page, blog, or checkout page, where most people will see them. Most importantly, restrict the form fields to a minimum, such as an email address and first name, to minimize friction.

Finally, maintain good list hygiene practices. Regularly remove inactive subscribers and ensure it’s easy for recipients to unsubscribe.

Determine the best time to send your Black Friday emails

Timing is crucial when it comes to Black Friday email marketing. It affects open rates, click-through rates, and, ultimately, sales.

Map out your entire Black Friday email campaign, including when to start teasing your sale, when to launch the main promotion, and when to send follow-up reminders. 

Evaluate your content

Engaging and compelling content can capture your readers’ attention and drive them to take action.

Before you hit send, make sure your content does the following:

An example of a well-positioned CTA.

Create irresistible offers

To entice customers to make a purchase on Black Friday, offer deals that provide exceptional value. 

Start by providing offers that are in line with users’ needs. Segmenting your customers based on their purchase and browsing history, interests, and preferences can help with that. 

For example, you could offer customers who have browsed your flavored coffees a great deal on special treats to enjoy with their morning cup of joe.

You can also create special offers or discounts that are only available to your email subscribers. This makes them feel valued and creates a sense of exclusivity. 

Another Black Friday email strategy is to bundle products together and offer them at a reduced price. For instance, if you run an online store that sells beauty products, you could bundle several popular products into a “Holiday Skincare Kit” at a special price.

You can further incentivize purchases by adding extra perks — such as free shipping on all orders above a particular threshold or a free gift with purchases over a certain amount. For example, you could promote “Free Shipping on All Orders Over $100” or “Buy a Laptop and Get a Free Wireless Mouse.” Such incentives can push customers to spend more to get the extra benefits. 

In the example below, Kizik offers free socks when a customer buys a pair of shoes:

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Example of a brand offering a special incentive on Black Friday to encourage sales. 

Design effective campaigns

Encourage readers to open and engage with your email by using a clean and easy-to-navigate layout. Start with a prominent header showcasing your main offer, followed by sections with eye-catching product images, brief descriptions, and a well-placed call-to-action button. Here’s a great example from Evernote:

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Example of a great Black Friday email layout

Make sure your most important information stands out by using bold text or contrasting colors. Use plenty of white space to avoid overwhelming the reader. Break up the email copy with visuals, bullet points, and subheads to improve readability.

Your emails should also reflect your brand identity. For instance, if your brand’s color scheme is green and white, ensure these colors are prominent in your email design. This reinforces your brand’s image and makes your emails instantly recognizable.

Use responsive design techniques to ensure that the email layout adjusts to fit any screen size. Make sure your text is easy to see, images are optimized for quick loading, and CTA buttons are large enough to tap on mobile devices.

Leverage relevant tools

Email and marketing tools can save you time and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your Black Friday marketing campaigns. For instance, GetResponse MAX offers several advanced features to streamline your Black Friday email marketing efforts, including:

Advanced segmentation

This feature enables you to divide your audience into specific groups based on factors like behavior, purchase history, and engagement level. It allows you to create highly targeted email campaigns that resonate with each segment.

Marketing automation

This tool empowers you to set up automated workflows that trigger emails based on specific customer actions. This includes sending welcome emails to new subscribers, recommending products based on browsing history, and sending abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales

For example, if a customer adds an item to their cart, an automated email will remind them to complete the purchase, possibly with an added incentive, like a discount. Research from GetResponse shows that triggered emails enjoy some of the highest click-to-open rates among all email types at 11.07%.

Multichannel marketing

Using your email campaigns and leveraging other channels, like social media, SMS, and web and mobile push notifications, creates a consistent brand experience and reinforces your messages across platforms. What’s more, it can increase your campaign’s reach and revenue generation opportunities by making sure your marketing messages get to customers quickly — wherever they are.

For example, you can kick your Black Friday campaign off by sending a teaser email series weeks before the big day. Your social media posts could reflect the same messaging and themes as your emails, like a countdown timer to Black Friday. As the day draws near, you could use SMS and push notifications to remind customers about the sales. 

AI product recommendations

This feature uses AI to match your product recommendation to the needs, habits and preferences of your visitors. It can suggest products that are most likely to interest each customer by analyzing past purchases, browsing behavior, and other interactions.

Newsletter revenue statistics

This powerful feature helps you directly measure the impact of specific email marketing campaigns on your revenue. The insights can help you make more informed decisions on what elements to include in your email content and how to segment your audience.

GetResponse MAX’s newsletter revenue statistics feature.

GetResponse MAX’s newsletter revenue statistics feature.

Common Black Friday email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them

When you’re planning your Black Friday campaign, make sure you avoid the following.

Email overload

Too many emails can lead to email fatigue and high unsubscribes. Send fewer, more targeted emails that provide great value instead. 

According to MoEngage research, 31.9% of consumers said their most frustrating experience with a brand was receiving too frequent or too little communication. GetResponse has found that the optimal email newsletter frequency for the highest open and click-through rates is 1-2 per week.

No personalization or segmentation

Failing to personalize and segment your email campaigns means missing the opportunity to deliver more relevant content to your audience, which can result in low engagement and reduced sales. Use advanced segmentation and personalization strategies to tailor your messaging for the best outcomes.

Not communicating post-purchase

Don’t end your relationship with customers after they hit “purchase.” Send them order confirmations and shipping updates, suggest complementary products, or just request feedback. Valuable follow-up communication can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. 

This Warby Parker email thanks the customer for their purchase and offers a shipping timeline:

Example of a great post-purchase email

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Example of a great post-purchase email

Post-Black Friday email marketing strategies for retaining customers

To keep your customers coming back long after the upcoming holiday shopping season, check out these retention strategies

Send thank-you emails

Send a personalized thank-you email to customers who made a purchase on Black Friday. This shows appreciation and reinforces the positive experience of shopping with your brand. You can ask for feedback to assess their satisfaction and get insights for future campaigns.

Brands like Apple, Airbnb, and Amazon all send customized follow-ups to thank customers for their purchases and gather feedback, such as through reviews or ratings requests.  

Run post-Black Friday offers

To capture those who missed out on Black Friday shopping, consider running exclusive sales after the big day. It keeps the momentum going and can help attract customers who are still in shopping mode.

Send abandoned cart emails

It’s common for customers to add items to their cart but not complete the purchase. Prompt them to finalize their transaction by sending reminder emails with an added incentive — such as a discount, free shipping, or free use for a certain period, like this example from Hulu

Example of a great abandoned cart email.

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Example of a great abandoned cart email. 

Take your Black Friday sales to the next level with email marketing

Black Friday 2024 offers an excellent opportunity to drive sales and grow your customer base. Use the tips and strategies we’ve provided to create an effective email marketing campaign.

GetResponse MAX can help you streamline and automate your marketing campaigns and achieve your Black Friday sales goals. Book a demo today.
