How to make money selling online courses: Turning your idea into income with GetResponse

12 min

Creating and selling online courses is an effective way to generate income while sharing your knowledge with a wider audience. But it’s not just about putting content out there; it’s about crafting a journey that transforms lives and generates revenue.

With GetResponse’s new learning management system (LMS), you have all the tools you need to create, market, and sell courses online. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process, from idea to income, using GetResponse to turn your course into a sales-generating machine.

1. The journey from idea to income-generating online course

“So, you have a brilliant idea for a course, and you’re bursting with knowledge. But here’s a hard truth I learned the long way: it’s not about what you can teach; it’s about what people want to buy.”

Many aspiring course creators make the mistake of trying to cram everything they know into one course. I did this in my early days, thinking, “The more I offer, the more value they get, right?” Wrong. People aren’t looking for the entire kitchen sink; they want specific, tangible outcomes.

Practical example

Let’s say you want to create a course on building beautiful relationships. Instead of offering a comprehensive “ultimate guide,” focus on specific needs. Consider a mini-course on “Having Impactful Conversations with Your Partner” or a workshop on “Creating Magical Date Nights.” These focused, actionable topics are exactly what people are searching for.

Critical insight

Your audience is looking for solutions to their immediate problems, not an exhaustive encyclopedia of knowledge.

They’re on a journey, and your course should provide a targeted offering that meets them where they are. Once they experience success with that, they’ll naturally seek the next step.

“Don’t try to sell the whole map. Just give them the directions to the next stop on their journey.”

Check out our free guide on Creating Scalable Income with Digital Products.

The Power of specificity in your course content

One of the most important lessons I learned was the power of specificity. Narrowing the focus of your course makes it easier for people to see its value. Instead of covering every aspect of a subject, hone in on what you can deliver results in. This approach simplifies marketing and positions you as an expert in that niche.

2. The crucial balance: Educating and driving revenue

“Let’s talk about something that might make you uncomfortable—charging for your course.”

I know you want to help people, and putting a price on that can feel strange. But here’s the reality: people value what they invest in. If they don’t pay for it, they won’t value it, and they likely won’t complete it. This isn’t just about making money; it’s about ensuring your course has the impact you intended.

Why charge?

  1. Increased Engagement: Data shows that people are more likely to finish courses they’ve paid for. It’s about commitment and perceived value. When students invest in a course, they invest in themselves, creating a deeper level of engagement.
  2. Sustainability: If you’re not generating revenue, you limit your ability to impact more lives. Revenue fuels your reach, allowing you to reinvest in marketing, improve your content, and expand your offerings.

Lessons learned

My early free courses had terrible completion rates. But when I started charging, people showed up and did the work. They valued it because they invested in it. It’s a psychological shift; when students have “skin in the game,” they’re more committed to seeing it through.

“You’re either in it for money, impact, or both. Without sales, your impact is zero.”

Charging for transformation

Remember, you’re not just charging for information; or simply to make money online, you’re charging for transformation. The knowledge and structure you provide have the power to change lives. When framed this way, charging for your course becomes a value exchange rather than a transaction.

3. Transforming your course into a sales-generating machine (Selling online courses)

“This is where we get into the magic—turning your course into a machine that works for you.”

Who doesn’t love passive income? Think of your course not as a one-off product to monetize but as the beginning of a long-term relationship with your customers. Your online business is where the rubber meets the road, and the real value lies in the lifetime journey you take them on. Your course should be designed to teach and lead your target audience into the next step of their journey.

Tactical steps

  1. Lifetime Value Focus: Understand that the first sale is just the beginning. If you nurture this relationship, your satisfied customers are far more likely to buy from you again. This could mean upselling to advanced courses, offering coaching, step-by-step consulting solutions or providing additional resources.
  2. Modular Knowledge: Break down your expertise into smaller, focused modules. Each course is an entry point to a larger ecosystem. For example, if your main course is about relationship building, consider creating spin-offs like “Effective Communication Skills” or “Managing Conflict in Relationships.”

Building a journey

Crafting a customer journey within your course ecosystem is crucial. Start with an entry-level course that provides immediate value and results. Once your students experience success, they’re naturally curious about what else you can offer to further their transformation.

Quote to Remember:
“People aren’t buying everything you know; they’re buying the specific outcome they desire.” – Dr. Carrie Rose

“People aren’t buying everything you know; they’re buying the specific outcome they desire.”

Dr. Carrie Rose
Course creation expert

Creating a pathway

Develop a clear pathway for your students. Outline the progression from beginner to intermediate and advanced levels. This not only provides clarity for them but also creates a roadmap for your product development and marketing efforts.

4. Structuring your course for maximum engagement and sales

“Structure is everything. It’s the difference between a course that gathers dust and one that transforms lives.”

Start with the end in mind. Can you make money selling courses? The short answer is absolutely, but the real question is what do you want your students to achieve? Then, map out the steps they need to get there. A well-structured course keeps students engaged and builds a foundation for future sales.

Critical tactics

  • Clear objectives: Each module should have a clear, measurable outcome. What will the student be able to do or understand by the end of each section?
  • Seamless offers: Identify key moments in the journey where additional offers can enhance their experience. This could be at the end of a module where they’ve mastered a skill and are ready for the next challenge.

Enhancing the learning experience

Incorporate different learning modalities—videos, quizzes, worksheets, and live sessions—to keep students engaged. The more interactive and varied the content, the more likely students are to stay committed and absorb the material.

“Think of it as offering them the perfect gift at exactly the right moment.”

Crafting an upsell strategy

Create natural points within the course where you can introduce upsell opportunities. For instance, after a module on basic communication skills, offer a mini-course on “Advanced Persuasion Techniques.” These are logical progressions that feel like the next step for the student.

Man multitasking with a laptop and phone in a modern workspace.

5. Leveraging GetResponse for course creation and sales

“Alright, now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of tools. GetResponse is like your course’s Swiss Army knife.”

GetResponse’s new learning management system, or LMS, gives you everything you need to create content, sell your first online course, and nurture your online community all in one place. Here’s how to use it to grow effectively and set your ideas up to be a successful online course business:

Experience-driven tactics with GetResponse:

  • Email marketing: You need to focus on building an email list and actively engaging with that list. Use targeted emails to keep students engaged. Share success stories, offer tips, and keep them moving forward. For example, send a weekly email highlighting a student success story to inspire and motivate others.
  • Automation: Set up automation that guides students through their journey. When they complete a module, trigger an email with an offer for the next course or a relevant upsell. This creates a seamless learning path and keeps students moving forward.
  • Content Monetization Platform: Host and sell your courses directly, making it easy for students to purchase and access. With GetResponse, you can create a complete learning environment for your students.

“GetResponse isn’t just a platform; it’s your partner in creating an ecosystem that nurtures and grows your student base.”

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Building trust with automation

One of the keys to using automation effectively is to ensure it feels personal. Use personalized tags and dynamic content to make students feel like you’re speaking directly to them. This builds trust and enhances the learning experience.

6. Harnessing GetResponse’s tools for student guidance and revenue generation

“Automation might sound impersonal, but it’s actually the key to creating a personalized learning experience.”

Here’s a critical tactic I use: set up autoresponders and automation to interact with your students at key points in their journey. It’s like having a personal coach nudging them along the way.

Practical use cases with GetResponse:

  • Welcome series: Create a warm, engaging welcome series that sets the tone and expectations for the course. Include a mix of educational content and engagement prompts to get students excited and ready to learn.
  • Progress nudges: Use automation to send reminders when students fall behind or reach milestones. A simple “Congratulations on completing Module 3!” can go a long way in keeping them motivated.
  • Upsell opportunities: When students complete a challenging module, offer additional support or advanced training. Automate this process so that every student receives a tailored suggestion based on their progress.

Understanding the strategy:
These automations are about being there at the exact moment your student needs a nudge, a reminder, or an upsell opportunity. It’s about making them feel seen and supported, which increases engagement and drives revenue.

The power of timely interventions

By leveraging GetResponse’s automation tools, you can intervene at critical points in the student’s journey. For instance, if a student hasn’t logged in for a week, you can trigger an email that encourages them to jump back in, perhaps offering a bonus or reminder of their goals.

7. Building a course ecosystem for long-term success

“Think of your course as a seed that grows into a tree. It’s not just about the fruit it bears today, but the orchard it can become.”

When you build your course, think beyond the immediate sale and consider the long-term relationship you want to foster. This is where GetResponse’s suite of tools comes into play, helping you create a learning ecosystem.

Strategic moves:

  • Modular design: Offer smaller, focused courses that can be bundled into a larger learning path. This allows students to start with a smaller investment and then upgrade to more comprehensive packages as they progress.
  • Multiple entry points: Create various ways for students to join your ecosystem, catering to their immediate needs. This could include free webinars, mini-courses, or lead magnets that introduce them to your teaching style and content.

Personal insight

I’ve found that when you think of your courses as part of a larger ecosystem, you start to see endless opportunities for engagement and revenue. You’re not just selling a course; you’re building a community of learners who can continue to grow with you.

Creating a supportive environment with GetResponse

Use GetResponse to create a supportive environment where students feel they are part of a community. This could include a members-only newsletter, exclusive webinars, or a student forum where they can connect and share experiences.

8. Nurturing customer relationships with GetResponse tools

“Let’s talk about keeping the conversation going. Your student’s journey doesn’t end when the course does.”

GetResponse’s newsletter and webinar tools are invaluable for maintaining relationships and creating future sales opportunities. By providing ongoing value, you keep your audience engaged and open to future offers.

Tactical application:

  • Newsletters: Segment your audience and provide tailored content that aligns with their progress. Share tips, upcoming courses, and valuable insights. For example, you can send a “What’s Next?” newsletter after students complete a course, offering suggestions for further learning.
  • Webinars: Use webinars as a platform for deeper engagement, bringing in guest experts or diving into topics in more detail. These can be used to introduce new courses, answer questions, and provide additional value.

Understanding the impact:

This isn’t about selling; it’s about adding value. It’s about continuing the relationship and guiding your students toward the next step in their journey. When you consistently offer value, students will naturally turn to you for their next learning experience.

Leveraging webinars for engagement

Webinars are a powerful tool for engagement and upselling. Use them to introduce advanced topics or new courses. The live interaction allows you to address questions and objections in real-time, making it easier to convert attendees into buyers.

Woman working on a laptop while sitting on a sofa in a cozy living room.

9. From idea to income: First steps

“So, how do you take that idea and turn it into a profitable course? You start with research.”

First steps with GetResponse:

  1. Market research: Identify your customer avatar. Understand their pain points, needs, and desires. Use GetResponse’s email automation to send surveys, gather insights, and tailor your course content and marketing strategy accordingly.
  2. Map their journey: Know where your expertise intersects with their journey and craft your course to meet them where they are. Create a roadmap that outlines the progression from beginner to advanced levels.
  3. Test the waters: Use GetResponse to create a mini-course or workshop to gauge interest and gather feedback. This can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and what they’re willing to pay for.

Check out this article on How to build an email list from scratch to get a head start.

Critical thinking

Every course you create should be a response to a specific need or desire within your market. Let your audience guide you. Listen to their questions, concerns, and feedback, and use that to refine your offerings.

Creating a feedback loop with GetResponse

Establish a feedback loop with your students. Use surveys, email, and social media to gather their thoughts and experiences. This not only helps you improve your course but also shows your audience that you value their input, strengthening their connection to you.


“You’ve got the knowledge, the passion, and now the tactics. It’s time to turn that into a sales-generating machine.”

GetResponse provides all the tools you need to transform your idea into an income-generating course. Remember, it’s not just about making the sale; it’s about creating a journey that educates, inspires, and continues to provide value.

GetResponse banner for a webinar on building profitable online courses featuring Dr. Carrie Rose.

Join me and Carlos Gill on October 2, 2024 at Noon EST to dive deeper into how you can use these tools to create your own course ecosystem. Let’s make your idea work for you.

Final thoughts

Creating a course is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you turn that course into a living, breathing ecosystem that not only generates income but also transforms lives. With the right strategies and tools, like GetResponse’s LMS, you can create a learning experience that keeps students coming back for more.

Dr. Carrie Rose
Dr. Carrie Rose
Dr. Carrie Rose is a course design wizard who helps entrepreneurs make their courses as profitable as possible.