The LinkedIn Personal Branding Blueprint: Build your brand and get clients

10 min

In today’s competitive world, having a strong personal brand on LinkedIn is critical to standing out, building credibility, and attracting clients and opportunities. A well-crafted LinkedIn presence can be the difference between getting noticed and getting overlooked.

In this blog, I’ll share practical strategies to help you optimize your LinkedIn profile, create magnetic content, and network like a pro. These actionable steps are based on the strategies I teach in my course, “Mastering LinkedIn: Building a Powerful Personal Brand to Drive Business Success,” which dives even deeper into building a brand that consistently brings in opportunities.

Why personal branding on LinkedIn matters

Before discussing tactics, let’s examine why LinkedIn is the best platform for personal branding. 

LinkedIn isn’t just a place to post your resume; it’s the world’s largest networking platform, with over 930 million members worldwide and growing daily.

Here are some stats that showcase LinkedIn’s power:

  • 4 out of 5 members on LinkedIn are decision-makers within their organization, meaning your potential clients, partners, or collaborators are likely already on the platform, ready to make things happen. 
  • LinkedIn generates 80% of B2B leads on social media, making it the go-to platform for professionals looking to grow their business or network.
  • More than 50% of LinkedIn members are likely to buy from a company they engage with on the platform.
LinkedIn Ads Professional Audience Statistics - 20-30% ROI growth, 67.1 million companies, #1 B2B lead generation platform, 2-3x brand attribute lift.

LinkedIn is where your future clients spend their time, making it ideal for building your personal brand.

By investing time in your personal brand on LinkedIn, you’re not just filling out a profile…you’re creating opportunities. LinkedIn gives you access to decision-makers, potential clients, and like-minded people who can open doors for you. The stronger your brand, the more these opportunities come to you naturally.

And building your brand on LinkedIn comes with some pretty awesome perks, like: 

  • Establish authority: Let’s be honest; people want to work with the best of the best. When you’ve got a strong personal brand, you instantly position yourself as a leader in your industry.
  • Attract new opportunities: People do business with those that they know, like, and trust. A solid LinkedIn profile and relatable presence help you build that trust right from the start.
  • Build professional relationships: Your brand becomes like a magnet, naturally drawing in clients, collaborators, and potential employers who really connect with your message and values.

But here’s the thing…random posts and a meh profile aren’t going to cut it anymore. To really see results, you need a strategy. That’s why, in my course, I break everything down step-by-step so you can create a LinkedIn presence that actually works for you.

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Optimizing your LinkedIn profile for success

Your LinkedIn profile is like your career museum, not a boring, static resume. 

It’s the first thing people will see, and it can make or break your chances of attracting clients. Think of it like the foundation of a house. If your profile isn’t solid, everything else you build on top of it won’t stand! 

Here’s what I teach in my course about building a compelling profile that drives conversions:

Profile and cover photo

Make sure your profile picture and banner reflect your personal brand. Whether it’s through colors, imagery, or both, these elements can really help to visually reinforce your messaging and affect the types of messages that you start receiving on LinkedIn. My course will show you how to create a cohesive visual identity that’s memorable and professional.


Your headline is prime real estate. Use the PPP (Position, Passion, Purpose) formula to ensure it not only tells people what you do but also speaks to why you do it and how it helps them. For example, 

  • Position: Career Coach
  • Passion: Helping Professionals Thrive
  • Purpose: Guiding People to Achieve Their Dream Jobs

And then combined into the LinkedIn headline:

Career Coach | Helping Professionals Thrive | Guiding People to Achieve Their Dream Jobs

Let’s look at one more example of this: 

  • Position: Financial Advisor
  • Passion: Empowering People to Make Confident Financial Decisions
  • Purpose: Helping Clients Build Long Term Wealth 

Combined LinkedIn headline:

Financial Advisor | Empowering People to Make Confident Financial Decisions | Helping Clients Build Long Term Wealth

About section

This is where your storytelling skills really come into play. You want your “About” section to do more than list your achievements; it should showcase your journey, your why, and the value you bring to your clients. It should draw visitors in and help them to connect with you on a deeper level. 

Michaela Alexis LinkedIn About Section - Overview of LinkedIn Training and Networking Guide 'No Fear Networking' with a focus on smart networking and personal branding.

A strong narrative not only differentiates you but also humanizes your brand. In my course, I show you how to craft this section like a pro, transforming it into a powerful sales tool.

Experience section: 

Your experience section isn’t just a list of past job titles; it’s your personal portfolio. This is where you showcase the results you’ve delivered, the problems you’ve solved, and the impact you’ve had. Here’s how you can take your experience section to the next level:

  • Focus on results: Don’t just list what you did; highlight your impact. Think in terms of tangible outcomes like “Increased sales by 30% in Q1” or “Helped streamline the hiring process, reducing turnover by 15%.”
  • Attach relevant links: Did you work on a major project, build a website, or write a case study? Add links directly to those projects. This gives potential clients or employers immediate access to your work and showcases the real world impact you’ve made.
  • Add Visual Elements: Visuals can be powerful! Use tools like Canva to create images out of client recommendations. Or, if you’ve got clients or colleagues willing to vouch for you, ask them to provide a short video testimonial. Videos build credibility and help you stand out from the text-heavy profiles. 

When your profile is optimized, it works for you around the clock. It becomes a lead magnet, consistently attracting the right kind of opportunities. 

Michaela Alexis LinkedIn Experience - LinkedIn Training for Brands, Businesses, and Ambitious People with services for event planners, individuals, and businesses.

Crafting magnetic content 

Once your profile is where you want it to be, the next step is content. Posting consistent, value-driven content on LinkedIn nurtures relationships, builds trust, and keeps you top-of-mind with your connections. 

There’s definitely an art to content creation on LinkedIn, and it’s something I dive more deeply into in my course. Here’s a quick overview:

Consistency is everything: Regular posting establishes your presence. It doesn’t mean that you need to be posting daily to be successful on LinkedIn (actually, the algorithm has been said to penalize posts published within less than 24 hours of each other), but you need to choose a rhythm that works for you that people can expect content from you. And don’t overthink this part, experiment, share what matters to you, and see what resonates. The only way to grow on LinkedIn is to have the courage to try things and see what sticks with your audience. 

Here are some tried and true effective types of content that you can start posting on LinkedIn: 

  • Quick Tips: Share industry-specific tips or quick wins your audience can apply immediately. These short, snappy posts often perform well because they’re actionable and easy to digest. 
  • Behind-the-scenes: Show the human side of your brand. Whether you share a project you’re working on or discuss a recent challenge, people connect with real stories. Documenting your process can be just as valuable as showcasing the final product, maybe even more! 
  • Curate Content: Not every post has to be original content. Share articles, insights, or industry news relevant to your audience. But make sure to add your personal take or commentary to show thought leadership, don’t just repost. 
  • Educational and Inspirational Content: People turn to LinkedIn to learn, grow, and connect. Sharing your expertise is a great way to establish yourself as an authority. But don’t forget the human side! People also love stories and they want to know that you understand their challenges and their values. They need to be seen in order to listen. Mixing educational content with inspirational stories about your journey or lessons learned creates a deeper connection.
  • Content tip: don’t post and ghost! LinkedIn isn’t a one-way street. It’s a conversation. When people engage with your posts, respond thoughtfully. The more you engage, the more LinkedIn’s algorithm will push your content in front of new eyes.

And here’s the real secret: not all content works the same. In my course, I break down the types of content that generate the most engagement on LinkedIn, from newsletters to polls, and show you how to create a winning content strategy. 

Networking for growth

Now that your profile is optimized and your content game is strong, it’s time to leverage LinkedIn’s network. This is where the real magic happens. LinkedIn is designed for building relationships, and those relationships often lead to new clients and opportunities.

Here’s how I suggest you approach networking:

Personalize your connection requests: Avoid generic connection messages. Personalize each request with a note that shows genuine interest in the person and why you want to connect. 

Here’s what that might look like in action: 

Hey [Name],

I just read your post on [specific topic] and loved your take on it! It really resonated with me, especially since I also work in [shared industry/niche]. Thought it’d be great to connect so we can swap ideas and stay in touch. Looking forward to seeing more of your content!


[Your Name]

  • Engage with others’ content: LinkedIn is a community, so be an active participant. Comment on, like, and share other people’s posts. The more engaged you are with others, the more likely they’ll be to reciprocate, boosting your visibility.
  • Master the C.H.A.T formula: If you need to make an ask on LinkedIn, The C.H.A.T. formula is a simple yet powerful way to approach LinkedIn messages. Whether you’re reaching out to a potential client, collaborator, or someone in your network, using this method will help you build meaningful relationships without coming across as pushy or salesy.

Here’s how it works:

  • C – Complement: Start by giving a genuine compliment. Whether it’s something they’ve recently posted, their work, or their career journey, showing appreciation creates a positive tone right from the start. Everyone loves to be acknowledged!
  • H – Honesty: Be transparent about why you’re reaching out. Whether you’re looking to learn from them, collaborate, or explore potential opportunities, being upfront helps build trust.
  • A – Ask: Now it’s time to ask for what you want, but do so in a way that’s respectful and adds value. Keep it light! Maybe it’s just a quick call, some advice, or feedback on a project. Make sure your ask is clear but not overwhelming.
  • T – Thankfulness: End with gratitude. Whether or not they respond, thank them for their time and for considering your message. A little appreciation goes a long way in building relationships.

Networking can be one of the most rewarding aspects of LinkedIn, but it takes strategy and authenticity to get it right. If you want to master the art of relationship-building on LinkedIn, my course dives deep into proven strategies that make networking easy and effective.

Maintaining and evolving your brand

Your personal brand isn’t static, it should keep evolving as you grow. That’s why it’s important to revisit and update your LinkedIn strategy regularly. Mark it in your calendar and commit to the allotted time to review and revise your presence. Once you’ve laid the groundwork, maintenance is key to keeping your brand fresh and relevant.

In my course, I walk you through how to build long-term sustainability into your personal brand, so you can keep growing your network and attracting opportunities over time.

I hope you found this blueprint handy, and if you’re ready to learn even more about building a personal brand on LinkedIn, I’ll see you inside my course! 

Love and coffee, Michaela 

Michaela Alexis
Michaela Alexis
As one of LinkedIn’s top influencers, Michaela Alexis knows exactly how to build a personal brand that opens doors to opportunities.