Win the inbox: How to automate & personalize email campaigns to boost sales with GetResponse

10 min

Email marketing isn’t exactly the belle of the digital marketing ball. It’s more like that reliable friend who’s always there for you, even when you forget their birthday (we’ve all been there, right?). 

But here’s the kicker: despite being the least sexy marketing tactic, email still packs a punch when it comes to impact. Whether you’re an email newbie or an old hand, there’s always room to learn and evolve our campaigns. 

So, let’s dive into how we can automate and personalize our way to inbox stardom and have a massive impact on sales and pipeline.

The “Oh crap, I should’ve known this sooner” moment

First things first, it’s never too late to learn how email can turbocharge your business or marketing goals. I remember when I first realized the power of email automation – it was like discovering that my trusty flip phone could suddenly do my taxes and make me breakfast. Game-changer doesn’t even begin to cover it.

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Automation: Your 24/7 marketing buddy

Automate or stagnate

Automation is like having a clone of yourself (minus the ethical dilemmas) working around the clock. Tools like GetResponse, HubSpot, and Mailchimp offer robust automation features that can turn your email marketing from a manual slog into a well-oiled machine.

But here’s the catch –

Don’t fall into the “set it and forget it” trap. Your automated campaigns need regular check-ups, like all your other promotional campaigns or that sourdough starter you swore you’d keep alive.

Automation All-Stars: Campaigns that do the heavy lifting

Automated campaigns are the email gift that keeps giving even when you aren’t actively managing your tech stack. Here are a few to consider developing.

Welcome series: The digital handshake 

Your welcome series is like the firm handshake and warm smile of the email world. It sets the tone for your entire relationship.

As you develop your welcome series with GetResponse, here are a few tactical tips:

  • Create a series of 3-5 emails spread over 1-2 weeks
  • Use GetResponse’s automation workflow triggered by the “Subscribed to list” event
  • Set up conditions to check if previous emails were opened before sending the next in the series
  • Utilize GetResponse’s drag-and-drop email creator for visually appealing welcome emails
  • Incorporate GetResponse’s signup forms to gather initial preferences for personalization

Win-back campaigns: The “Baby Come Back” of email 

We’ve all had that ex we couldn’t quite let go of. In email marketing, inactive subscribers are our exes, and win-back campaigns are our heartfelt mixtapes. Use these tactical tips to ensure you create the right mixtapes:

  • Use GetResponse’s engagement score feature to identify inactive subscribers
  • Create a workflow targeting subscribers with low engagement scores
  • Utilize GetResponse’s A/B testing feature to optimize subject lines for better open rates
  • Leverage GetResponse’s segmentation tools to create a specific “inactive” segment
  • Use GetResponse’s automation to remove still-inactive subscribers after the campaign

Re-engagement campaigns: The relationship counselor 

Similar to win-back campaigns, but for subscribers who haven’t completely ghosted you yet.

These campaigns are like relationship counseling for your email list. Here’s what you should do with them:

  • Use GetResponse’s advanced segmentation to target subscribers with declining engagement
  • Create a “Update your preferences” email using GetResponse’s dynamic content blocks
  • Utilize GetResponse’s survey feature to gather updated subscriber preferences
  • Set up an automation workflow to adjust content based on survey responses
  • Use GetResponse’s content recommendations feature to showcase your best content

Abandoned cart reminders: The gentle nudge 

We’ve all been there – adding items to our cart and then getting distracted by a cat video. Abandoned cart emails are like that friend who reminds you to eat lunch.

Consider these tactical tips for setting up your abandoned cart reminders with GetResponse:

  • Set up a series of 3 emails using GetResponse’s e-commerce automation features
  • Use GetResponse’s product recommendations to show related items
  • Leverage dynamic content blocks to display abandoned cart items
  • Utilize GetResponse’s countdown timer feature to create urgency in the final reminder
  • Set up conditions in your workflow to stop the sequence if a purchase is made

Milestone series: Celebrating the journey together

Think of milestone emails as the high-fives and champagne toasts of the email world. They celebrate key moments in your customer’s journey, strengthening your relationship and boosting engagement.

I often hear from more B2B marketers that they struggle with what milestones to celebrate. So, let’s start there.

For B2B Companies:
  • Use GetResponse’s automation workflow to trigger emails based on account age or activity milestones
  • Set up a series to celebrate 30 days, 6 months, and 1 year with your service
  • Leverage custom fields to track and celebrate usage milestones (e.g., “10th project created”)
  • Use dynamic content blocks to showcase relevant case studies or success stories
  • Include personalized recommendations for features they haven’t used yet
For B2C Companies:
  • Create a workflow that triggers on the customer’s birthday or anniversary of first purchase
  • Use GetResponse’s e-commerce integration to celebrate purchase milestones (e.g., “You’re now a VIP customer!”)
  • Set up a series to mark seasonal milestones (e.g., “It’s been a year since you started your fitness journey with us”)
  • Utilize the countdown timer feature to create urgency for milestone-specific offers
  • Incorporate user-generated content to showcase other customers celebrating similar milestones
For Both B2B and B2C:
  • Use GetResponse’s segmentation to tailor milestone content based on customer value or engagement level
  • Leverage A/B testing to optimize subject lines and content for each milestone email
  • Include a survey to gather feedback on their journey so far
  • Use GetResponse’s AI-powered content recommendations to suggest next steps or products
  • Set up automated social media posts to complement your email milestones, creating a multi-channel celebration

Remember, milestone emails aren’t just about patting yourself on the back for keeping a customer around. They’re about making your customers feel valued and recognized. It’s like remembering your best friend’s half-birthday – unexpected but oh-so-appreciated.

Pro tip: Don’t just stick to the obvious milestones. Get creative! Celebrate quirky milestones like “100th time logging in” or “50th support ticket resolved” (okay, maybe not that last one). The key is to surprise and delight your subscribers at unexpected moments.

You can create milestone series that feel less like automated messages and more like a considerate friend who always remembers the important stuff. And let’s be honest, we could all use a friend like that in our inbox.

Now, let’s talk about personalization…

Personalization: Because nobody likes feeling like a number

Beyond “Hi [First Name],” personalization has come a long way from just slapping a first name in the subject line. It’s about crafting experiences that make your subscribers feel like you’re reading their minds (in a non-creepy way).

Segmentation: Not just for orange slices 

GetResponse’s advanced segmentation tools let you slice and dice your list into hyper-targeted segments. The more specific, the better. Think of it as creating a VIP experience for each subscriber. Here are a few personalization power moves to make every email feel tailor-made for your subscriber.

Behavioral triggers: The “You Get Me” approach 

Use subscriber behavior to trigger personalized emails. Did they just view a product? Send a follow-up with more details. Did they download a whitepaper? Offer related content. Here are a few tactical recommendations for behavior-based personalization:

  • Set up triggers for key actions using GetResponse’s automation workflows
  • Create a library of follow-up emails for each trigger
  • Use dynamic content blocks to customize email content
  • Include personalized product recommendations based on browsing history

Dynamic content: The chameleon of email marketing 

Another personalization opportunity is dynamic content. That’s content that adapts based on subscriber data. It’s like having a shape-shifting email that transforms for each recipient based on your data about that subscriber. Consider these dynamic personalization opportunities:

  • Use location data to show local events or store information
  • Swap out imagery based on demographics or past purchases
  • Customize product recommendations based on browsing history
  • Adjust content depth based on engagement level (e.g., beginner vs. advanced)

Predictive personalization: The fortune teller in your inbox 

We will discuss AI’s impact on email marketing in a moment, but let’s first focus on its personalization opportunity. GetResponse’s AI-powered tools can help us predict what content or offers will resonate best with each subscriber. Here are some initial recommendations:

  • Implement the AI-powered recommendation engine
  • Use machine learning to optimize send times for each subscriber
  • Let AI suggest subject lines based on past performance
  • Use predictive analytics to identify at-risk customers for retention campaigns

AI & email: Making us more human even when we aren’t there

AI is already revolutionizing how we approach email marketing. Perhaps its biggest impact will be truly scaling email’s 1:1 communication paradigm instead of the current 1:many approach. As we get to that nirvana state, let’s discuss two practical ways we can leverage AI in email marketing right now.

Copy optimization: 

As we head towards that 1:1 future, AI can be used for AI-powered chatbots to gather subscriber preferences, implement natural language processing to analyze customer feedback, leverage AI to draft personalized email copy based on subscriber data and use machine learning to optimize email content and timing continually.

You can now use GetResponse’s AI tools to help generate subject lines and optimize email copy.

You can also use AI to generate multiple subject line options and the A/B test. AI can also suggest improvements to your email copy, after which you’d want your copywriter’s or team’s human touch to ensure your brand’s voice and tone are spot on.

Timing optimization: The “Right Place, Right Time” magic 

Beyond copy optimization, GetResponse’s AI can analyze when each subscriber is most likely to open and engage with emails.

From there, you can determine optimal send times for each subscriber, implement its Perfect Timing feature for automated campaigns, let AI suggest the best day of the week for different types of content, and use machine learning to refine timing based on engagement data continually. 

The “Why Didn’t I Start This Yesterday?” action plan

Automation and personalization optimization can feel daunting. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s a step-by-step process to consider as you bring your automation and personalization tactics to life.

  1. Audit your current email strategy. Be honest – is it more “spray and pray” than a “carefully crafted campaign”?
  2. Dive into GetResponse’s automation features. Start with a simple welcome series and build from there.
  3. Segment like your sales depend on it (because they do). Use GetResponse’s advanced segmentation tools to create hyper-targeted lists.
  4. Set up your core automated campaigns: welcome series, abandoned cart, win-back, and re-engagement.
  5. Experiment with GetResponse’s AI-powered personalization features. Don’t be afraid to test and iterate.
  6. Implement dynamic content in your emails. Start small, perhaps with location-based imagery, and build from there.
  7. Use behavioral triggers to create hyper-relevant email experiences.
  8. Always be testing. What works today might not work tomorrow. Keep evolving, just like that Pokémon you never managed to level up.

Remember, whether you’re just starting out or you’re an email marketing veteran, there’s always room to grow and improve. Email might not be the flashiest tool in your marketing toolbox, but with GetResponse’s automation and personalization features, it can be your most effective one.

As we hurtle towards an AI-powered future, the possibilities for email marketing are expanding faster than my waistline during quarantine. But remember, at the heart of it all is the human connection. Use GetResponse’s tools to enhance that connection, not replace it.

Want to dive deeper into the world of email automation and personalization? Join Carlos Gil and me for a webinar on Wednesday, October 23, where we’ll be spilling even more email marketing secrets.

And if you’re really ready to level up your email game, check out my new GetResponse course. Your inbox (and your sales numbers) will thank you.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to set up a re-engagement campaign for my neglected newsletter list. Send good vibes!

Michael Barber
Michael Barber
Michael Barber has spent years helping businesses improve their email marketing results, and now he’s sharing his top tips to help you level up your campaigns.